Monday, March 9, 2020

The eNotes Blog 8 Ways to Celebrate Poem in Your PocketDay

8 Ways to Celebrate Poem in Your PocketDay With only a few more days left in National Poetry Month, we want to highlight one of the last major events of this month’s celebration: Poem in Your Pocket Day. This year, Poem in Your Pocket Day will be held on April 26. It’s a day to carry around pocket-sized works of poetry to encourage the sharing and spreading of the art. Whether you choose to carry a poem you have written yourself or something by a treasured poet, there are tons of ways to get involved. Participating in Poem in Your Pocket day is all about the celebrating the art of poetry and its impact on our culture. Lets look at eight ways you can get involved with Poem in Your Pocket Day.  Ã‚   Image via Unsplash 1. Share on social media Sharing a poem on social media is one of the easiest ways to participate in Poem in Your Pocket Day. Use the hashtag #pocketpoem to circulate your work and connect with others that are sharing theirs. This is a great way to promote poetry across a variety of social media platforms, and we have a feeling if Emily Dickinson had a Twitter, shed be all over this idea. Image via Unsplash 2. Distribute during your day Handwrite or type up some pocket-sized poetry cards that you can distribute during your daily routine. You can pass them out to friends, colleagues, or even random passersby on the street. If youre feeling inspired, add some color, drawings, or tie them up into little Shakespearean scrolls. Who knows, your simple act of kindness might just inspire someone else to pay it forward. Image via Unsplash 3. Put it on display Find a space in your home, at work, or in another public setting where your poem is guaranteed to be seen. Bulletin boards, refrigerators, and even bathroom mirrors are all great places to display short works of poetry. You could even create a tear-away flyer so   individuals can take a piece of poetry with them. Image via Unsplash 4. Send a poetic postcard When’s the last time you actually received a postcard? Postcards are undoubtedly a great surprise to receive in the mail, so why not personalize it with some poetry? A poetic postcard is sure to be appreciated and admired.  After all, some of the  greatest poets loved writing and receiving postcards, so it only seems appropriate to send a Poe-stcard. Image via Youtube 5. Make a paper fortune teller Back in the playground days, paper fortune tellers were a hot commodity. Why not revive the craft for Poem in Your Pocket Day? You can design a fun poetry inspired fortune teller to spark conversation and entertain your peers. If you have no idea how or where to start, there are a plethora of instructions online. Image via Unsplash 6. Try poetry-inspired origami If you’re feeling crafty, try creating some origami covered in poetry. There are a variety of different shapes and structures into which you can fold your pocket-sized poetry. This is a thoughtful way to pass along poetry in a unique form, which is sure to brighten someones day. Image via Unsplash 7. Create a collaborative piece Create a collaborative poem by writing a couple lines and then hanging it somewhere so others can contribute to it. At the end of the day, collect your original piece and see how many people have interacted with it. Whether it ends up being a fluid poem or not, its an exciting experiment. Image via Suppertime 8. Write on a receipt Writing a mini poem on the bottom of a receipt is a subtle way to pass along poetry. If you need to sign a receipt during your day, before returning it, write a few lines on the bottom. It’s a sure way to make your waiter smile. There are so many ways to get involved with Poem in Your Pocket Day without actually having to carry around a poem in your pocket. I encourage you to find something that you can do to participate in the celebration and help keep the spread of poetry alive in our culture.