Monday, September 30, 2019

Behaviour of Studied Plant Species in Terms of Heating Mitigation and Evapotranspiration

5 Discussion5.1 Weather ConditionssUpwind conditions during the season and the six measuring runs played a cardinal function for the procedure of this survey. As mentioned antecedently in respects to the survey of thermic imagination and specific conditions conditions were a requirement. The optimum conditions conditions for transporting out these measurings included clear sky, no air current and high values of PAR. These conditions slightly restricted the measurings as they were hard to be obtained for many yearss during the months from May until July. The measurement period was characterized by many yearss of cloud screen, rainfall and low temperatures and merely a few yearss of clear sky and high temperatures every bit good as high PAR values. The most restrictive factor was the cloud screen, as there were yearss with high temperature and besides there was cloud screen. However, there were yearss with clear sky and no air current but the PAR values were excessively low ( below 120 0 ?mol s-1m-2) , so that measurings could non be performed. Besides, it is of import to observe that the conditions conditions differed for each of the measuring dates as it was impossible to hold the exact same conditions every clip. Maes and Steppe ( 2012 ) had highlighted the limitation of conditions conditions in thermic imagination and the confining factor of cloud screen. However the consequences of the six successful measuring day of the months led to observations and decisions about the thermic behavior of the five studied works species.5.2 Behaviour of Studied Plant Species in Footings of Heating Mitigation and EvapotranspirationThe current survey have shown that all of the tried workss species had an effectual chilling potency by comparing to the bare dirt. Planted trays had ever lower surface temperatures than the control trays. This was besides supported by the statistical analysis which indicated important differences between mesocosms and control trays. Several surveies stated that one of the benefits of green roof workss is to maintain the temperature low ( Nagase and Dunnett, 2010 ; Teemusk and Mander, 2009 ) . Specifically, the four of the five species,Koeleria glauca, Lotus corniculatus,Dianthus carthusianorumandPhedimus floriferumhave been shown to hold lower temperatures than the controls trays for the full period of when the measurings were conducted. However, in the last two day of the months sing the measurings, theThymus serpyllumhad showed higher temperatures than the controls trays because the mini bush had died antecedently. While all workss of the monocultures had died many single species were able to last in combination with other species. However,Thymus serpyllumis considered a common green roof species ( Teemusk and Mander, 2009 ) . Besides, Jones ( 2002 ) had indicated thatThymusspecies frequently did non last. The ground for the bad public presentation ofThymusis still non clear. Although heat and drouth emphasis are known to hold a negative impact on the species, it is besides believed that works infections could be another cause for its bad public presentation. Sing the evapotranspiration, all the mesocosm systems showed to hold higher values than the control trays. System 5 (Phedimus floriferum )showed to hold the lowest evapotranspiration of the 15 mesocosms due to the facultative CAM metamorphosis of the species. The last two yearss System 4 showed the lowest evapotranspiration values sinceThymus serpyllumin the monocultures where they had wholly died off. Several surveies have been conducted to compare between green roof works species in monocultures and combinations in order to transport out and understand in which of the two is the most good. The surveies concluded that works mixtures were more effectual and good in footings of heating extenuation, evapotranspiration and H2O gaining control than monocultures and recommended for extended green roofs ( Lundholmet al. ,2010 ; Nagase and Dunnett, 2012, 2010 ) . This survey had concluded that System 7 a combination ofPhedimus floriferum( succulent ) andLotus corniculatus( leguminous plant ) was more effectual and good along with System 10 which is a combination ofPhedimus floriferum( succulent ) ,Koeleria glauca( grass ) andDianthus carthusianorum( herb)and can be considered as the best of the 15 systems in footings of extenuating warming effects. These systems showed significantly lower temperatures during most of the measurings. Systems 6( Phedimus floriferum + Koeleria glauca )and 14 (Phedimus floriferum + Koeleria glauca +Lotus corniculatus )had so followed with satisfactory consequences. These consequences are in general conformity with other surveies which showed that grass and herb or mixtures of these species are really suited to green roofs. Although they are less drought tolerant than succulent they are more effectual in footings of evapotranspiration and H2O keeping capacity ( Van Mechelenet Al., 2014 ) . Besides, the bulk of green roofs in North America and Europe are combinations of Sedum species or combinations of Sedum and grasses ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . Lundholmet al. ,( 2010 ) had stated that the best combination for green roof is succulents, grasses and tall forbs. Since thei experiment this works mixture optimized most of the maps which were measured. Koeleria glaucacan maintain the H2O balance stable alternatively of intensive transpiration. Besides, its foliages are sclerenchymatous and about lush at the same time ( Kalapos T.,1989 ) . Furthermore, many herbaceous species are characterized by adaptative steps and could confront drouth ( Dvorak and Volder, 2010 ) . Some adaptative steps for Sedum species and stress-tolerant grasses and herbaceous are CAM photosynthetic tracts, H2O storage variety meats, succulent foliages which characterized the Sedum species, drought-avoidance ( bulbs and ruderals ) and woody growing. These and other morphological and anatomical characteristics could cut down the heat addition and H2O loss ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . Grasss and forbs are characterized by low root H2O electrical capacity and/or drouth turning away which allow them to last in green roof systems ( Wolf and Lundholm, 2008 ) . It is besides deserving observing the importance in respects to the monocultures ofKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusholding shown really good warming extenuation and chilling effects consequences. Besides combinations which included these species proofed to be really suitable. These species are both characterized by holding high evapotranspiration values andLotus corniculatusbesides being good of making high works screen due to strong vegetive growing. In respects to the Sedum speciesPhedimus floriferum,it is confirmed that it is really good for green roofs. Although it was frequently hotter than the other species likely due to its CAM metamorphosis it had a positive consequence on the other species.Phedimus floriferumwas presented with combinations which showed the best heat emphasis extenuation and kept the temperatures at low degrees during the measurement period. Several surveies investigatedSedumspecies as they are the most normally used for extended green roofs. Most of the surveies concluded thatSedumspecies can be characterized as ideal species and the best option for green roofs because of their facultative CAM metamorphosis, stress- tolerance and ability to re-sprout ( Butler and Orians, 2011 ; Farrellet al. ,2013 ; Nagase and Dunnett, 2012 ; Van Mechelenet al. ,2014 ) . Since none of the deep-rootedPhedimuspersons died in the survey, it must besides be noted that the high continuity of the species is another positive fac et.5.3 Plant Cover and Temperature of Studied Plant SpeciesIn current survey that have been examined in respects to the dealingss between the works screen and average temperatures of the mesocosms, there was the premise that the works screen would had influenced the temperatures. It was concluded that temperatures were so slightly influenced by the works screen, the higher the works cover the lower were the temperatures. This had so led to the decision that the species which are characterized by distributing via vegetive growing such asPhedimus floriferumandLotus corniculatusare advantageous for green roofs. A high screen and leaf wonts of workss can besides be good.5.4 Restrictions of the StudyAs antecedently stated the chief problem/limitation during measurings was the clip consequence on tray temperatures. In order to cut down the job of different heating throughout the twenty-four hours, measurings were carried out at midday when the radiation and the temperatures usually reach a tableland. Besides, dry and wet â€Å" unreal foliages † were used and exposed to the same environmental conditions ( air temperature, radiation, wind velocity ) as the trays in order to avoid theoretical appraisals of baselines. It was observed that the temporal temperature gradient decreased when the measurings were carried out at midday. By this, the clip consequence was partially solved but it still existed. Furthermore, for most of the measuring day of the months at that place was a good convergence between the temperatures of unreal foliages measured by the usage of thermocouples and the IR-camera. Thus the emissivity needed non to be adapted. As mentioned antecedently, the thermic imagination was performed within two hours and this period of clip could hold resulted in big differences in ambient temperature or the consecutive warming of the trays. One solution was to cut down this clip period but due to the high figure of trays it was about impossible to execute the thermic imagination in a shorter clip length. Maes and Steppe ( 2012 ) had besides indicated this restriction in thermic imaging so they alternatively highlighted the clip devouring process of thermic imagination. Another solution to execute thermic imagination of all trays in one spell is the usage of aircraft but this method leads to a instead harsh declaration of images ( Leuzingeret al. ,2010 ) . It is besides of import to observe that the clip consequence had complicated the finding of the important differences between the systems, due to the high criterion divergences. However, the consequences of this survey clearly indicated important differences between the systems and the control trays. Besides, it can be concluded that systems equipped with species such asKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusshowed satisfactory consequences and could be characterized as being appropriate works species. The restriction as stated above in respects to the clip consequence besides led to the determination to maintain the emissivity to a default value of 1 since the survey was concerned in temperature differences between the systems and non in the absolute temperatures of the objects ( works leaves, dirt substrate, pebbles and lava ) . However, as mentioned in subdivision 3.3.1 during March and April 2014 ( before the measurings started ) several efforts were made in order to define/calculate the emissivity of the studied works species but because of the complexness the efforts were kept to a lower limit. It is deserving observing that most surveies on works temperatures set emissivity to a default value and that there are merely little differences between dirt and works emissivities ( Leuzinger and Korner, 2007 ; Maes and Steppe, 2012 ) . It would besides be interesting to analyze day-to-day rhythms of leaf temperatures particularly inPhedimussince it is a facultative CAM species. Unfortunately another restriction of this survey which wasn’t conducted was that this survey didn’t examine the day-to-day behavior in footings of the temperature and transpiration of the workss. If the restriction had been conducted the behavior ofPhedimuswould hold besides been researched in order to detect its transpiration.5.5 Inventions of the StudyDespite the restrictions mentioned above that had non been conducted the current survey is the first in which a high figure of replicated green roof mesocosms were researched. Every system had eight replicates and the control trays were seven. This high figure of replicates is sufficient for stand foring temperature measurings, which had ne'er been studied on green roof works species. The measurings were carried out from May until July in 2014. This long measuring period allowed more observations about the studied works species and their thermic behavior over clip in different conditions conditions and state of affairss. The usage of IR-thermometry can be considered as another invention since this method is new and it started to be used in recent old ages. However, this could be seen as a hazard since there are no fixed protocols available for IR-thermometry on workss. As antecedently mentioned, the usage of thermic imagination and infrared cameras enables the observation of thermic conditions of the objects in item. The technique of infrared thermometry has started to be normally used because of its truth. Infrared cameras are now being used more and more by works scientists because the costs of the equipment has been diminishing. Another of import factor is the usage of image analysis to derive mean, lower limit and maximal temperatures of selected objects and it has besides brought in a new method in respects to research. The corresponding package of the camera, IRBIS ®, has been a really helpful tool in order to research the temperatures of the studied workss. As a farther affair in respects to the statistical analysis that was performed in order to place important differences between the mesocosm systems, and controls and besides between the different types described as advanced because so many statistical trials were carried out for each day of the month of measurings in order to compare the systems.6 DecisionIn the last decennaries, the effects of planetary heating have become progressively seeable. One technique used to extenuate urban heat is the building of â€Å" green roofs † , a method that is progressively used in many states. Green roof workss have the capableness to change the microclimate outside and inside of edifices. A new method to look into the temperature and accordingly the chilling potency of workss is infrared thermometry. Thermal imaging utilizing infrared cameras enables the observation of thermic conditions of the objects in item. Topographic point measurings of foliage temperatures utilizing thermocouples a re inferior to IR-thermometry but the latter attack has restrictions, excessively. The survey was carried out to look into the effectivity of five commonly used green roof works species:Koeleria glauca( a grass ) ,Lotus corniculatus( a leguminous plant ), Dianthus carthusianorum( a herb ) ,Thymus serpyllum (a low turning bush ) andPhedimus floriferum( a succulent ) . The undermentioned three hypotheses were tested: – The workss have an effectual chilling potency as compared to the bare dirt. – TheSedumspecies,Phedimus floriferum,could hold a positive consequence on the other species and could cut down heat emphasis. – Plant mixtures of different species are more effectual than monocultures. The overall aims of this survey was to i ) Compare the deep-rooted trays with control trays ( au naturel dirt ) in order to look into the chilling potency of workss. two ) Examine the effectivity ofPhedimus floriferumin footings of evapotranspiration, heat consequence extenuation and possible positive consequence on the other species. three ) Compare the works mixtures with monocultures to place important differences. The consequences in general supported the first hypothesis. It had particularly supported the speciesKoeleria glaucaandLotus corniculatusand some of the mixtures with these species holding shown to hold significantly lower surface temperatures than the controls trays and some of the deep-rooted mesocosms for the whole measuring period. The consequences in respects to the 2nd hypothesis was besides supported.ThePhedimus floriferumso had a positive consequence on the other species as the combinations with the species kept the temperatures at lower degrees during the measurement period. SincePhedimusis a extremely drought stress-tolerant and relentless species, it had a positive consequence on the ecological services of green roofs. The consequences besides lead to the credence of the 3rd hypothesis that works mixtures are more effectual than monocultures since the best systems in footings of extenuating the heat effects were works mixtures. However, the survey besides faced some restrictions such as the clip consequence on tray temperatures and the proper accommodation of emissivity values. Several efforts were made and several methods were applied in order to turn to those limitations. Harmonizing to the literature, old surveies had faced the same restrictions. In order to cut down the clip effects during measurement runs of a high figure of replicates, high scaffolds should be used from which all objects can be monitored in one spell. However, due to the big field of position the low declaration of images would hold been a job. Taking exposure of all the objects at the same clip had its advantages in that many images could be taken over clip, e.g. to analyze day-to-day temperature rhythms of works surfaces. This could be characterized as an mentality which should be investigated farther by similar experiments in the hereafter, in order to see whether it helps the survey to minimise or extinguish similar restrictions and limitations and besides to lend to this current research.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Experimental Hypnosis

Hypnosis is defined as â€Å"A trancelike state resembling sleep, usually induced by a therapist by focusing a subject's attention, that heightens the subject's receptivity to suggestion. The uses of hypnosis in medicine and psychology include recovering repressed memories, modifying or eliminating undesirable behavior (such as smoking), and treating certain chronic disorders, such as anxiety† (American Heritage, 2012). Its name comes from the Greek language â€Å"hypnos† meaning sleep. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind.This state of mind is known as hyper- suggestibility where a subject is more prone to change if guided by the hypnotherapist in the direction of his desire. While in this hyper- suggestible state, the mind has the power to change an association, get rid of old pains or accept new behaviors. The first to start studying the use of hypnosis was Franz Anton Mesmner in 1700, a Swiss medical doctor that noticed that patients with pains responded very well to inductions of sleep, which allowed them to lower their pains. A revision of Mesmer’s theories was made by the English Doctor James Braid.He coined the name hypnosis, and that is why he is regarded as the father of hypnosis. Dr. Braid used hypnosis extensively in his medical practice. Sigmund Freud also used hypnosis and was impressed by the therapeutic potential of hypnosis for neurotic disorders, but his focus on the mysterious element of sexual nature made him abandon it for psychoanalysis, and with the beginning of psychoanalysis the focus on hypnosis started to decline. In 1958 the American Medical Association recognized hypnosis as a legitimate cure in medicine.In May 2001, at the Australian Medical Association, Dr.  K Phelps stated, â€Å"as evidence emerges that some complementary medicines are effective, then it becomes ethically impossible for the medical profession to ignore them† (Cowen, 2004). In this statement she is referring to some alternative medici ne practices including hypnosis. The mind is the power behind it all, and hypnosis guides this power to heal mind, body and soul; thus hypnosis is a useful tool to cure mental disorders. Hypnosis should be used more often in psychological treatment because it is an effective, safe and proven tool.Hypnosis was proved to be effective by several Doctors and therapists in the field. It all started with Mesmer and his animal magnetism. He noticed that by passing his hands close to the body to allow the â€Å"magnetic fluid† to flow from his fingertips into the client’s body, he could restore balance and health, and it only took three sessions for a diseased person to heal. People were amazed by how clients would be cured from incurable conditions, but Mesmer clashed with the medical field when a client cured of blindness relapsed. Then he moved to Paris where he practiced magnetism.James Braid was an English surgeon and writer on hypnotism. He is the one that coined the nam e hypnosis and demonstrated that it was not animal magnetism, but it was just achieved by suggestion. His writings are what led to future research and development of hypnosis and the investigation of what was later called the unconscious mind (E. Hilgard, 1984). Milton Erickson, the founder of Hypnocounseling, was a major influence in practices of counseling and psychotherapy, and his methods are without doubt the fasted growing in the western world in the field of psychotherapy.He was also one of the most prominent founders of neurolinguistic programming (NLP). He was also very influential in the in family and brief systemic therapy model of the Mental Health Research Institute. His work has been so original and creative that he was nicknamed â€Å"Mr. Hypnosis† (Gunnison, H. , 1990). He also was the founder and first president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, as well as the first editor of its journal. Erickson goal was to give back to their clients their pers onal power and control over their lives with the use of â€Å"implied directive language.†Instead of saying, â€Å"Sit back in the chair, relax, and listen to my voice†, he would say: â€Å"You can sit back in the chair and you might even relax and listen to my voice. † â€Å"The word can suggests that you have the ability to sit back in your chair and also sets up an implied choice, that ‘you can choose to sit back in the chair, if you want to-or not’† (Gunnison, H. , 1990). â€Å"The use of words such as can, might, could, and possibly makes for communication that remains tentative, open, highly respectful of the client’s world and wishes, and implying client choice and power.IDL exists at the heart of hypnocounseling. † (Gunnison, H. , 1990). His hypnotic language was focused on enabling the clients to believe that they could change, since the root of all people’s problem is that they do not know how to change and they do not think they can change. But Erickson knew that changing is easy; the way to make it happen is for the person to believe they can change and to make a â€Å"choice,† to make the â€Å"decision† to change. Without that permission the mind will always keep the old program because the subconscious mind follows orders and past decisions like a slave.It will not change because one hopes to change or because one wants to change. It only changes when one tells it to change, when one makes that important decision like: I decided to quit smoking; I am doing it today; I decided to let go of all past hurts and to be happy now; I choose to be a success regardless of what others think of me, and so on. In order to enable the client Erickson would use suggestions such as: â€Å"You can begin to change when you choose implies that you have the ability to change and the presupposition denotes, of course, that you will when you choose to.This is an effective strategy for changin g perceptions† (Gunnison, H. , 1990). Another of his powerful suggestions is: â€Å"You can now curiously take this time to wonder about different ways to change. Isn’t it exciting to realize that you have the power to choose different ways of being? † (Gunnison, H. , 1990) (The italicized words will be said with a higher or lower tone of voice to emphasize them. Another successful technique is called Reframing. â€Å"Reframing represents the idea that individuals can â€Å"break out of limiting misconceptions to a broader understanding of human possibilities† (Gunnison, H., 1990).A picture will look totally different in a pink frame or in a black frame. In order to accomplish this, Erickson would use techniques like: â€Å"You know I can hear your sadness and loss and at the same time I sense a very deep courage inside of you that you can draw upon. Isn’t it interesting that we can discover strengths we didn’t realize we had during times o f travail and pain? † (Gunnison, H. , 1990). Hypnosis is safe. The general belief about hypnosis is that the hypnotist will be in control of the client’s mind while under hypnosis.The truth is that every form of hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis where the hypnotist just guides the client to let go of the old associations and accept new ones. The heightened concentration created by hypnosis makes resource retrieval and association easier for the client's Adult and Child. Hypnosis allows the client to effortlessly shift attention to supportive ego states and build strong associations between each of them and offers the resources the Child needs to maintain the re-decision†(Singer, W. B. , 1952).Change is a much easier process under hypnosis, where the mind is more suggestible and open to change than during the wakening state where the mind is protecting itself from change. The way the session works is that the hypnotist tests responsiveness to find out the level o f susceptibility with suggestibility techniques. The session starts with the induction technique that allows the client to enter the hypnotic state; deepening techniques are then used to facilitate a deeper state of hypnosis and therefore of susceptibility.While the client is in this deeper state, the hypnotist will use hypnotic suggestions to attempt to create new associations in the client’s mind while allowing old unwanted associations to be removed. There are many things the hypnotist can do while the client is in this state. A very successful technique is the abreaction extinction technique. This technique is very useful for people that had small or big traumas that created a mental or psychosomatic scar. This metaphorical â€Å"scar† is the one responsible, most of the time, for client’s disorders like depression, anxiety, guilt and sabotaging behavior, addictions, and so on.The abreaction happens when the hypnotist asks the subconscious mind to bring up a significant emotional event that hurt and caused the particular issue that the client wants fixed. The subconscious will bring up an image of an event or a memory that created the problem in the first place. The hypnotist can then extinguish the cause and create new associations to replace it. I had a personal experience with this last one where for nine years I suffered from debilitating, atrocious pain cramps from periods. While I was under hypnosis and I was asked for the memory to come up, a memory actually did come up.It was an event that was not that big a deal for me, but as soon as I saw that memory in my mind I thought: I must have done something wrong to deserve this. This was a phrase that continuously I would never even think about having, but my subconscious did. The skilled hypnotist removed that association and two days later I was shopping with no period cramps, something that never happened in the previous nine years. Another technique that is quite a success is th e switching technique. In this technique the clients are asked to remember an event where they felt how they would like to feel today.For a person that was happy and then got depressed, or for a person that was successful and then got broke, this is a very useful technique. The reason why is that many people are happy as they grow up; as kids they play, and their parents take care of the bills and protect them from harm, and everything is wonderful. One day, as grown ups, they get a bad experience. The husband dies, they lose their business or their home, somebody steals from them, and the clients start developing mental distortions or disorders or even start suffering from psychosomatic diseases.With this technique the hypnotist can easily re-create the old association in the client’s mind by simply switching the bad association with the old new one. The clients will then be back to the old happy people they wanted to continue to be. At the end the clients are slowly awakene d. One of the best and most powerful hypnotic techniques is the post-hypnotic suggestion technique. This was greatly used in the Veterans Administration Hospital, Vancouver, Washington, where there were very few beds available and many requests for them.Therefore the hospital adopted the use of hypnotherapy to speed up the improvement of their patients in order to free beds quickly. Patients were given post-hypnotic suggestions that when they were coming to group meetings they were going to discuss their problems and have a high level of motivational participation allowing their patients to improve faster. (Singer, W. B. , 1952). One of the most amazing post-hypnotic suggestion is the one used to change neuron pathways. For example, people that have addictions have automatic responses to triggers. They smoke after dinner, in the car, after class and so on.They have created a habit. In this case the hypnotist gives a post-hypnotic suggestion to reverse the habit. A good suggestion wo uld be: Every time you finish eating, you just enjoy the flavors in your mouth and even if you think about smoking a cigarette, you can’t, so go back to the things you need to be doing. In this post-hypnotic suggestion the clients will be amazed to see that after dinner they will try to go for the cigarette, but they will refuse it. In some hard cases the suggestion would be: Every time you put a cigarette to your mouth you experience that bad taste in your mouth as if it were puke.Of course the client needs to give permission to this suggestion, but it is very successful and many clients, as soon as they put their cigarette in their mouth, they literally will puke: That is how powerful the suggestion is. Another example of post-hypnotic suggestion is people will experience a bad event which will trigger them to become depressed, and days later they forget about the event, but still feel depressed not knowing why. In these cases the hypnotist gives a post-hypnotic suggestion that every time there is a bad event, they can still feel good and move on.Therefore, clients that are in hard life situations and still are able to handle them with a smile on their face, because the suggestion has been programmed and the mind no longer accepts being sad from outside forces. Another very useful post-hypnotic suggestion is for people that focus on problems. The mind can focus on either negative or positive, either problems or solutions. It can only think one thing at the time; therefore if people think about the problem, the mind would not give them a solution.At the same time, if the person focuses on the negative, the mind would not be able to think of the positive; hence, the person focusing on the negative will start to become depressed because the mind only sees negative. This could be represented in John Milton’s quote, â€Å"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven†. In this case the post-hypnotic sugg estion would create an auto response that every time the person starts to think negative or problems, the mind will quickly just focus on solutions, focus on the positive while fixing the problem.The amazing fact is that this is all it takes to cure depression in a few sessions. This is confirmed by many therapists. One of them, Elke Kellis, wrote that the use of hypnosis has been well documented and is highly effective for depression. â€Å"Hypnosis can be useful in deepening and enhancing particular cognitive interventions such as cognitive restructuring, increasing confidence, coping better with life’s challenges, shifting focus from failure to successes, enhancing a sense of control, improving relaxation, and increasing frustration tolerance† (Kellis, E., 2011).Also, Assen Alladin from the University of Calgary Medical School, Alberta, Canada â€Å"advanced six clinical reasons for using hypnosis in treating depression: hypnosis a) amplifies subjective experience; b) serves as a powerful method for interrupting symptomatic patterns; c) facilitates experiential learning; d) helps to bridge and contextualize responses; e) provides different and more flexible models of inner reality and f) helps to establish focus of attention†. (Alladin, A. , 2010).Hypnosis could cure most people’s problems if the medical field would turn to what really works, rather than synthetic chemicals. In order to do that there needs to be a clear goal in the medical field: find the solution for each patient. This requires too much time and money and doctors need to care a great lot about their patients to switch to something more time and money consuming when they can resort to the lazy, cheap, money building â€Å"magic pill†. Therefore hypnosis is still not as widespread as other therapies.It has been disappearing for the same reason home cooking and exercise have been disappearing. Less work is what people will choose first. As Roberto A. Ingram M. D. states: â€Å"If hypnosis was as respected as morphine, it would become a tremendous weapon in the physician’s armamentarium. † (P. G. O'C. , 1998) â€Å"Hypnosis has been receiving increased attention in the medical literature. It has been considered for use in acute pain management along with a variety of disease states† (P. G. O'C. , 1998).The article â€Å"Hypnotic Analgesia Affects the Processing of Painful Stimuli,† published by the Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, describes some interesting findings: â€Å"Different brain mechanisms are involved in the processing of painful stimuli under hypnotic analgesia and attentional distraction instructions and support previous research findings that the differentiation of behavioral, subjective and electrophysiological responses may be a result of a dissociation between the processing of sensory information and the cognitive evaluation of that information† (Williams, J.D . , Croft, R. J. , Ferdinand, J. J. , & Gruzelier, J. H. , 2011).Hypnosis is a powerful tool in medicine. According to Hammond (2008) hypnosis is so powerful that in the 1800s James Esdaile, an English surgeon stationed in India, did open heart surgery with the sole use of hypnosis as an anesthesia. â€Å"This historic example †¦ provides powerful documentation of the ability of the mind to influence the body†. (Hammond, D. , 2008)Hypnosis is also very effective in the cure of psychosomatic diseases. Many empirical facts prove this, as in the Canadian article â€Å"Treatment of psychosomatic disorders†: â€Å"Many years ago ‘I made wide use of hypnosis for the removal of psychosomatic symptoms ‘by direct suggestion as well as for abreactive purposes. The results obtained in cases of monosymptomatic hysteria were encouraging. In patients with organ neuroses and in those with psychosomatic structural diseases†. (Wittkower, E. , 1964).Hypnotherapy is very successful in curing many diseases, and most of the diseases are psychosomatic (American Medical Association stated that 90% of diseases are indeed psychosomatic). Physicians should do more of it instead of using drugs that have high price tags and terrible side effects. However, it is more profitable and less time consuming to just give a pill that gives the effect the person wants, rather then using time and money to find the source of the problem and eradicate it.In conclusion, hypnosis is the power the heals mind, body and soul. It is a tool that has been researched for years, starting from Messner, a medical doctor in Austria, continuing with with James Braid a surgeon that gave it its name and with Erickson which created many methodologies and suggestions that were highly effective in the cure of mental and physical disorders.Hypnosis gives the therapist the ability to guide the client to remove old negative patterns with the use of abre action extinction techniques an d to replace it with positive association that will in the long run allow the client to be who he/she wants to be and also to lower stress which will improve overall health. Hypnosis is a proven tool to let go of addictions and to cure many mental and physical disorders and the world needs to be informed of its powers in order to get back in charge of its health. There is no â€Å"magic pill†; people need to cure themselves with the possible alternative tools that are out there.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Introduction to Native American Literature

American literatures embrace the memories of creation stories, the tragic wisdom of native ceremonies, trickster narratives, and the outcome of chance and other occurrences in the most diverse cultures in the world. These distinctive literatures, eminent in both oral performances and in the imagination of written narratives, cannot be discovered in reductive social science translations or altogether understood in the historical constructions of culture in one common name. Vizenor 1) Since the end of the 15th century, the migration of Europeans to America, and their importation of Africans as slaves, has led to centuries of conflict and adjustment between Old and New World societies. Europeans created most of the early written historical record about Native Americans after the colonists immigration to the Americas. 3 Many Native cultures were matrilineal; the people occupied lands for use of the entire community, for hunting or agriculture. Europeans at that time had patriarchal cultures and had developed concepts of individual property rights with respect to land that were extremely different. The differences in cultures between the established Native Americans and immigrant Europeans, as well as shifting alliances among different nations of each culture through the centuries, caused extensive political tension, ethnic violence and social disruption. The Native Americans suffered high fatalities from the contact with infectious Eurasian diseases, to which they had no acquired immunity. Epidemics after European contact caused the greatest loss of life for indigenous populations. In 1830, the U. S. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the government to relocate Native Americans from their homelands within established states to lands west of the Mississippi River, accommodating European-American expansion. Perhaps the most important moment of governmental detribalization came with the passing of the Dawes Act in 1887 which set aside 160 acres for each Indian on the reservation, and opened the â€Å"leftovers† up for settlement. According to the U. S. Bureau of the Census (1894), the Indian wars under the government of the United States have been more than 40 in number. They have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. Native Americans were thus pushed out from their own lands and were forced to live in small reservations assigned by the federal government who claimed that setting the Indians on the course to civilisation best ensured their survival. Tribal customs were then forcibly altered and nomadic tribes became sedentary. All Native Americans felt the impact of the new reservation policies, which sought to isolate and contain Indians to make room for an expanding American nation. At the same time that Native Americans were being excluded from the nation, white Americans began to look to them as the source of a unique national identity and literature, distinct from European traditions. Literature from the period depicting Indian characters was incredibly popular, and many works are still celebrated as classics, including James Fenimore Coopers The Last of the Mohicans (1826), Catharine Maria Sedgwicks Hope Leslie (1827), and Henry Wadsworth Longfellows Song of Hiawatha (1855), to name only a few. These texts employ the trope of the disappearing Indian, which represents the deaths of Indians as natural, similar to the changing of the seasons or the setting of the sun, rather than the result of political exclusion or social discrimination. Thus the disappearance of Indians from the American social landscape was not only depicted within this body of writing but also implicitly approved of. At the same time the government sponsored authors and art programs; the proletarian themes of discovery, regionalism, and tourism were new forms of dominance over Native Americans. Therefore, early Native American authors wrote within a hostile political climate and in response to a dominant literary tradition that sentimentalized and condoned the death of Indians. But they found the means to engage with their detractors by authoring their own accounts of Indians that challenged stereotypical beliefs, demanded equal political rights, and proved that Indians were neither disappearing nor silent. Native American authors have faithfully presented some of these issues of inherent native rights, the duplicities of federal policies, and the burdens of racial identities in their short stories and novels. Wynema by Sophia Alice Callahan published in 1891, was the first novel attributed to a Native American author. Callahan, who was a mixedblood Creek, was aware of tribal issues at the time and therefore devoted most of her novel to native issues. Since then many novels by distinguished Native American authors have been published. One of the most important writers among Native Americans in the 1930’s was D’Arcy McNickle, a member of the Flathead tribe of Montana. His first novel The Surrounded was published in 1936, two years after the Indian Reorganization Act was passed near the end of the Depression in the United States. His novel is the poignant story of a mix-breed family and the tragedy of their exclusion from both the red and the white worlds. Because of cultural misunderstandings, which begin between the Indian mother and Spanish father, suspicion, fear, and finally death take their children. The novel is a history of alienation. Kenneth Lincoln who coined the term Native American Rennaissance pointed out that in the late-1960s and early-1970s, a generation of Native Americans were coming of age who were the first of their tribe to receive a substantial English-language education, particularly outside of standard Indian boarding schools and in universities. Conditions for Native people, while still very harsh, had moved beyond the survival conditions of the early half of the century. The beginnings of a project of historical revisionism, which attempted to document—from a Native perspective—the history of the invasion and colonization of the North American continent had inspired a great deal of public interest in Native cultures. During this time of change, a group of Native writers emerged, both poets and novelists, who in only a few years expanded the Native American literary canon.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31

Assignment - Essay Example ms, and partnerships and always strive to attract and retain the youth in their programs by instilling a sense of belonging, satisfaction and familiarity within the Greater Saint John. The organization’s purpose is the creation of a sense of belonging in the community by engaging the people and providing them with opportunities for growth (Heidemann, 2009). These statements make a lot of sense since from the organization’s list of events and achievements it has sought to accomplish these goals by relating positively with the government, community, and the sponsors (Davies, 2008). It has also started mentorship programs and organized lectures and speeches for the youths. They are Saint John Board of Trade, Enterprise Saint John, Teen Resource Center, Skate to Care, Saint John Christmas Exchange, and Saint John Dragon Boat Festival. There stakeholders currently not served are Ernst & Young, Irving, Cox & Palmer, Silver Sponsors, Mariner, Hilton Saint John, Bayview Credit Union and Brunswick Pipeline. They are currently not served because they are not community partners with FUSION SAINT JOHN but sponsors. However, they can be targeted by establishing appropriate engagement and communication channels geared towards the community’s

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Philosophy - Essay Example Their true forms, in Plato's mind, are permanent, eternal, and nonphysical. According to Plato, because sensory objects are not completely real, the empirical realm of tangible objects is not real. As such, any beliefs people derive from their experience with these objects are unclear and undependable; however, the principles of philosophy and mathematics, both of which are discovered through inner meditation on the Forms. These principles, according to Plato, represent the only true "knowledge." After taking Plato's views and descriptions of Forms, true knowledge is an attainable trait. Additionally, Plato asserted that knowledge is composed of two essential characteristics: certainty and genuine presence. Essentially, knowledge must be infallible and certain; there can be no room for interpretation or misunderstanding. True knowledge must be fool-proof and unwavering. Additionally, knowledge's corresponding object must be genuinely real as opposed to those objects that are present in appearance only. "Because that which is fully real must, for Plato, be fixed, permanent, and unchanging, he identified the real with the ideal realm of being as opposed to the physical world of becoming" (Plato, 2007, 9). These views resulted in Plato's... t to Plato's certain view of knowledge, Plato believed that those propositions derived through sensory experience have a high degree of probability; and as such, this experience cannot be certain. Additionally, the objects in the empirical realm, such as trees, are ever-changing phenomenon; they do not remain consistent and, therefore, the experiences will not remain constant. Plato's Republic contains his distinction between two levels of human awareness. These two levels are opinion and knowledge. According to Plato, any claims brought about by a person's experience in the empirical realm with a tangible object are classified as opinions only. Regardless if these opinions are founded on a solid base or not, opinions do not merit genuine knowledge. Knowledge, considered to be the higher of the two levels of awareness, entails logic and reasoning rather than experience. Logic and reasoning, if used correctly, will lead to intellectual insights. These insights are certain and, consequently, infallible. According to Plato, the representative objects of these intellectual insights are the eternal and permanent Forms. Therefore, according to Plato, the relationship between experience and knowledge is a complicated one. Experience does not, directly, lead to knowledge or equate to knowledge because experience is fallible and unreliable. One person may experience an event differently than another. What a person experiences at one time with a tangible object may change at a later time because tangible objects remain in a state of perpetual change. Alone, experience will result in the formulation of a person's opinions regarding an object. However, if logic and reasoning is applied to a person's experience, that person can reach a true knowledge about that object, and

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Company Law - Essay Example Fundamentally, the House of Lords thus embedded the separation of the corporate personality from its members and it became its own entity, rendering it capable of suing and being sued; of entering into contracts;4 of owning property and of making profits and losses in its own name.5 The final element established was the widely famous advantages of limited liability enjoyed by shareholders, limited only to the unpaid amount of their shares. These principles have been referred to a reused in countless cases; Lord Templeman himself described the dicta in Salomon as an ‘unyielding rock’6 and it is now embodied in the Companies Act 2006.7 As is the case with most fundamental principles following a single landmark case, a broad debate has been alive since the decision. Indeed, the courts have been faced with circumstances in which exceptions to Salomon have been necessary and indeed allowed. Thus, one is faced with a fundamental principle, deemed to apply broadly, yet inevitably the court has managed to manoeuvre around the Solomon rules in order to make it more flexible. But is this really flexibility, or an undesired and confusing method of applying the rules simply whenever the court deems fit or not? This topic is linked to clarity – if one can arrive at a clear set of circumstances under which the corporate veil will not be lifted, then one can arrive at the conclusion that the Salomon decision is safely applicable. If these circumstances are not evident, then it seems that the courts apply it or not at whim, and the Salomon case is at the mercy of the court and its view of whether the veil should be lifte d in the particular circumstances or not. The specifics of these circumstances are affected by the two different views surrounding the consequences of separate legal personality. The narrow view - as that contained in the Companies Acts - holds

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Psychological-profiling-of-terrorists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychological-profiling-of-terrorists - Essay Example Before Israel was evicted, it had been involved in combat with the Palestine’s Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon. Israel had been involved in this war against the Palestine Liberation Organization in the Southern Lebanon where Israel had invaded and sieged Beirut. The Shia Muslim community then rebelled against Israel through guerrilla warfare after recognized that Israel had no aim of leaving Lebanon. This warfare was inducted by a political group in Lebanon known as the Amal Movement meaning hope (Azani, 2011).The Lebanese Shia Muslim Community had sympathized with the Israelites to get rid of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. This later turned to disillusionment when the Israelites held talks with only the ruling Christian pecking order. This infuriated the Muslims as they saw that they were not considered. They also rose up to establish Islamic rule over Lebanon. They had been disproportionately been represented in the country’s institutions. They also were involved in a war with the Israelites in 2006 which led to the death of 1000 Lebanese a 1,000,000 people were displaced. The war started as Lebanon attempted to pressure Israel to release them (Cordesman, 2007).Hezbollah used well laid suicide bombing, killings and by conquering soldiers in the other parts of the Middle East. They continued to fight the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) using suicide attacks. Later the Hezbollah turned into a paramilitary group where they changed their tactics from capturing the Israel soldiers into the use of missiles. and other explosives and detonations. Syria, at the finalization of the Lebanese war, took control over Lebanon and allowed the Hezbollah to keep their military weapons and to control the southern Lebanon and the Israel border (Azani, 2011). Later in 1990’s, Hezbollah turned to a political group where it was involved in elections in 1992 and won the 12 seats it had contested for in the electoral list. Later in 1997, Hezbollah established an army unit to fight against Israel Occupation. Later in the year 2000 Israel withdrew its militia from Lebanon. This signified the victory of Hezbollah. After the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces from Lebanon, Hezbollah’s main aim had been accomplished and they now started expanding their influence over other terror groups such as the Palestinian groups in West Bank and Gaza by furnishing them with knowhow on military and even sponsored them financially and with equipments (Azani, 2011). Hezbollah provides social services to the Lebanese community through provision of hospitals and education through schools countrywide. Hezbollah has also organized a Martyr’s Institute which assures to offer living and education costs for their soldiers who die in wars. The United Nations also noticed through an IRIN news report that Hezbollah is not only armed and political wings but also has large social development program where it operates four hospitals, 11 clinics, 11 schools and 2

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Electronic Text Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Electronic Text Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example The game is a combination of community features and role playing elements, just like in other MMORPGs, such as item trading, guilds, and chat. The game gives the player a chance to select different skills as the person levels up. This game, like other games, has various purposes expected of the player to experience (Elswrod). Rhetoric analysis means making arguments or claims about the video game. Video games features in procedural representations of material, social, and cultural aspects of human experience (Bogost 123). Elsword is an example of a videogame representing the entertainment aspect of human experience. A lot of action movies are characterised by the villain and the good heroes who sacrifice a lot to eliminate the villains. The heroes always have exceptional skills which they acquire through training and experience. Like real action movies, this video game has heroes with unique skills, and missions to accomplish. The video game also provides an opportunity for the players to test their skills, and know more about their personality. Different characters have different skills, and selecting one can enable one understand himself better when in combat. Also, there are various individuals with different characters such as a swordsman, an archer, a witch among others. One can enjoy the imaginatio n of being a witch and what he or she can do with being a witch. It is a skill simulator. Elsword provides very good entertaining content like the boss rush modes, the costumes, the pets, and the gear that unleashes the gamers’ skills and actions in an imaginary action movie world (Elswrod). It is argued that video games symbolize certain processes and the characters in the game are used to enact the processes (King). In Elsword, symbolizes several human experiences. It symbolizes the fantasy world full of heroes that humans always want. The characters are provided with

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Wreiter choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wreiter choice - Essay Example it is proposed that all history students should first be asked to read this book before starting on their course as it provides a world of perspectives to history without having to dumb down the historically accepted facts and information of humanity and the earth existence (Christian). This is what makes the book, especially unique in the development of summary for the Invitation to Insight (HU 114) And Reading for Life (UH 113) courses. In the invitation to the insight, I have learned to put into application deductive thinking from the study of the book. I can regularly apply my knowledge in such areas as; religion, science, literature and art to simulate the various viewpoints cultured from the book yet applicable in my academic course with great respect to context. In the Reading for life course, there is the absolute relationship between the book and the course where the book presents a worldview that encompasses the variety that is life and a wealth of knowledge across the ages in human history that is second to none. The significant role played by this book, of the two courses, is significantly important yet second to none. Its applications are limitless both to academia and to the acquisition of knowledge for its

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Upcountry Look Essay Example for Free

The Upcountry Look Essay â€Å"Lose it girl, block shoes are long gone,† came a sneer.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"And the voluminous, billowing gown with metallic threads should be spared for the evenings.† Those made me look up. A girl in jeans had thrown that one at me. I felt a hot flash of shame sweep throughout my body.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Use a deodorant,† a handsome young man who stood next to me hauled that one as a fresh waft of perfume filled my nose.   I felt angry, ostracized and humiliated but I managed a chuckle, after all what you think is an embarrassment does pale into insignificance once you laugh it off.   Everyone looked so smart and jolly, uttering just the right words without mincing them. I knew I would flop but I had to give it a go. The premonition to be, I lost it. It was a job interview for news anchors in a highly rated local Television station. I lacked presence and charisma, they had told me with a dismissal. I swore to myself that I had to loose that look; dress right and pursue whatever counted in order to fit and belong. Meanwhile I had a bus to catch back to the village.   Two hours later the bus ground to a halt. I set off on the winding dusty road that led home. I felt low, especially when a flash of the incident at the audition room came to my mind, but I was looking forward to the look my sister would wear on her face as she drunk to every word I would use to describe the big city.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The buildings tower high on the sky and stand erect without a sway even if a Manhattan wind came.†Ã‚   She would leave her mouth agape.    â€Å"The people move hurriedly without acknowledging each other.† I expected a squirm, it’s a taboo not salute anyone you cross roads with according to our culture.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"How are you, Mariamu?† I knew that voice. It was Mzee Bura an elderly man from our village. His back was stooped and walked with a hobble supported by his walking stick.   Never mind he mispronounced my name which is Miriam because every person I knew did that. My sister’s name is Grace but they called her Grathi. Mzee Bura’s right shoulder was stooping under the weight of a parcel. I offered to help as out traditions dictated.   Ã‚   My nose twisted involuntarily as a strong unpleasant smell of smell of smoke, dirt and sweat hit me with a revolting effect, but what to do. I went ahead with my pleasantries as we filed along the path exchanging a polite conversation although he did most of the talking. I felt tortured by the swift evening breeze which brought the murky odour to my direction. I wondered what the city people would have made of us then.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Lose him girl, he is ancient.† That sounded like the most probable reaction from them. We walked on and calling the journey a long distance is an understatement. Our village is literally at the other side of the globe. The learned would call it a sleepy village because of its lack of civilization but it was home. I loved it.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mariamu, you did me proud. Mzee Bura told me about your help yesterday.† I imagined my mother’s proud voice complementing me.   Darkness had fallen by then and there a comfortable silence between us as we trotted on.   A flickering light from a distance confirmed that we had indeed arrived in our home turf. A drunken man was shouting but although it happened all the time his words were cutting my conscience.   Ã¢â‚¬Å" I sent my Mariamu to the city . . . aah . . . you’ve always taken me for a fool . . . the next time she comes to this village she will be driving a car.† That was my father’s slurred talk.   Apparently my mother’s token of gratitude ( to her husband for sending their eldest daughter – me to the city)   in the name of a drink was not a viable idea because my father was making a spectre of me in the village.   Ã‚  It made me fiery at the thought of facing questioning stares from the people the following day. He was yelling everything about his household to all and sundry and never mind he had counted his chicks too early when it came to me. I glared and hissed in the darkness to let go the turmoil inside me.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Did you say something?† the old man’s hoarse voice enquired with concern. I held my breath. It was a spontaneous unpremeditated sound of annoyance. How could my father do that?   When I woke up the following morning I spotted my father immediately. He was lounging in our smoky kitchen holding a bowl of porridge. He was sober and it was hard to even think he had taken a drink of muratina, the local traditional beer, and last night. He looked a man so easy to be with, a man one can like or even admire as he spoke so eloquently on the normal issues which had nothing to do with the previous night. He appeared affectionate as he politely listened to my mother explaining what had become of my visit to the city.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mariamu, you should go to the river then come fetch me some firewood.† My mother instructed me.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"You should lose this river and firewood crap. It’s time to go tap and at least a charcoal stove . . .† I felt like telling my mother. I was bare footed. This look! I did not like it at all. I smiled at my mother and took a metallic jerican that has been with us for as long as I can recall. My older brother is basking in the morning sun waiting for his peers to call him for a hunting game. Domestic chores are for women or so I was made to believe as I was growing up. It made me wonder why the masculine young man had no chore to attend to, yet house hold work is the hardest work in the word, but all the same that occurred to me was the reason they never help.   The morning air was fresh. I rubbed my calloused feet on the soft grass that still had the morning dew to give them a clean look, avoiding the foot path. The women were already in the fields singing their hearts out and swinging their hips with moves that increased the pace at which they worked. As they stood to salute me, I could see their faces were glistening with sweat.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do they use a deodorant?† I wondered.   The water was sparkling clean and I could tell that it had not been disturbed that morning. I decided to sit by the river bank and let my legs dangle in the water to rid off some dry grass that had stuck between my toes. The water felt warm on my skin and I decided to take my time. The sun started beating on me and the black nylon skirt started feeling like a furnace on my thighs. It was time to move on to the next chore.   The bushes scraped and scratched my skin as I weaved my way underneath the thickets searching for some dead branches which we used as firewood. The smell of green vegetation was overwhelming and it made me feel nauseated. I had to lose this upcountry way of life, sorry, look.   That twenty something years ago and today from the high storey building where my office located, I glance through the window at the ever busy city and everything seem so normal but my first encounter with the city is unforgettable, and more so the ideas it gave me.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Womens Rights in Islam

Womens Rights in Islam Thesis Statement: Women’s rights in Islam is rather still seen to be much more liberated according to the Quran yet subjugated under Sharia Law since the enhancement of Islam. Introduction Since the beginning of time to today’s society, the epitome of the debatable discussions based about the status, position, and the role of a woman have been greatly indicated and reflected by culture, tradition, religion, feminism and misogyny. However, there is a high level of controversy when it comes to the issue of women in Islam that are basically caused from the many misrepresentations and misinterpretations with distortions due to having such a lack of understanding of the Quran and the teachings of Islam stating women in the Muslim societies being degraded or low and living under oppression and subjugation. This paper will discuss and focus on Women’s Rights in the Muslim world in regards to it being much more liberated according to the Quran but yet subjugated under the Sharia Law and to appropriately simplify an easy understanding to the allocated question – are women in Muslim societies really subjugated or are these misconceptions falsely fabricated f rom biased sources? To do this, it will begin with a brief discussion on the rights and status of Women in Islam according to the Quran and Prophetic traditions right from its enhancement through to the Muslim world today with additional information concerning its main violation of Women’s rights, followed by discussions and reasons on the many misconception of Women’s rights in Islam and distinguish the differences between the Quran and the Sharia law, and finally, this report will examine several Muslim countries that will identify the existence and sustainability of Women’s rights within some Muslim countries and distinguish any differences. Overall this paper will support and contend that Women’s rights in Islam is rather still seen to be much more liberated according to the Quran yet subjugated under Sharia Law since the enhancement of Islam. The woman’s question based on Quranic teachings depends very much on how we or the individual understands and interprets the Quranic text. The Quran itself states in 2:228 â€Å"(women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness, and men are a degree above them†. Afkhami (1995) simplifies this quote from the Quran indicating that in regards to their respective responsibilities, merits, and virtues women and men are equal and Islam does not accept for either of them anything but good treatment and fairness. The roles of a mother within Islam possess such important status over a father according also to verses from the Quran but especially within the Hadith which comes to show how valuable a woman is. According to Baveja (1985), in early Arab traditions, woman exercised great influence over the family and the tribes due to having such a supreme authority with opinions that counted as a great deal within inter-tribal warfare. Though however, due to contra dictory evidence available before the advent of Islam, women were treated worse off as men were given precedence over women, oppression was widespread, and women were degraded and considered shameful. Engineer (1940), El-Solh, Mabro (1994) and Beyer (2001) supports this position with examples such as â€Å"the killing of daughters† all agreeing to the fact that having a boy was much greater to the Arabs as they believed that females were considered as an embarrassment and regarded as a disgrace because they could not fight in wars and they were always captured by the enemy hence the custom of burying the daughters alive was practiced as a simplest way out to kill the daughters. To some extent, women were also kept as slaves; women were not given any share in inheritance and prostitution was rampant. Kurzman (1998), Sonbol (2005), Beyer (2001) and Quran itselfs points out the abolishment of such practices mentioned above due to the establishment and rise of Islam regarding wom en to be more valuable and treasurable and to not be mistreated or shamed. Anwar and Abdullah (2000) argue that despite the equality given towards women since the beginning of Islam, most abuse or mistreatment of women today is mainly due to cultural / traditional factors that are wrongly followed by many Muslim families within the middle-eastern countries which will be explained and looked into further in the last paragraph. Furthermore it is appropriate to also include the differences of Islamic law especially the Sharia Law applied in different Muslim societies across the world which is believed to have also caused such violation to women’s rights in Islam as a whole due to conservative societal norms and interpretations that has become one of the fundamental features to cause the lack of women’s freedom and outright abuse Middle East Quarterly (1997). Even though the role of women and men do differ in terms of responsibilities, virtues and merits, nevertheless, und er the Islamic law women’s rights are empowered and protected, and is certainly no different to rights of men in accordance to the Quran which therefore supports Women’s rights in Islam is rather still seen to be much more liberated according to the Quran since the enhancement of Islam. Ordinarily, the histories of women in general focus on western women and see their history as a way of life as models, against which the histories and lives of other women in the past and present are compared, Sonbol (2005) pg. 3-4. However, according to Kurzman (1998), Hirata (2005) and Abdul-Ghafur (2005), women in the west and their method of gaining rights has taken a long while to overcome which includes their first biggest achievement in winning the right to vote that took place in the post industrial revolution era. Yet nevertheless, Bajeva (1985), Engineer (1992) Muslim Women’s League (2003) and few other sources claim that women in Islam were given their rights 1400 years ago – these include rights pertained to inheritance, marriage, divorce, custody of children, property, evidence, rewards and punishments these rights given to the women in Islam were only recently enjoyed by the west. To examine common misconceptions and mistruths in regards to women’s rights in Islam, it’s important to observe the Quran as well as the Islamic teachings and authentic sources in order to understand the truth behind women’s rights in Islam. According to Bajeva (1985), rights given to women directly from the Quran were curtailed and if not, trampled on by Islamic jurists who formulated the Sharia law. Engineer (1992) supports this position by giving one of a few examples such as venturing out of home alone – the Quran places no restrictions on the movement of women nor did it require them to completely hide their faces while moving out of the house. But yet, leading jurists’ interpretations on relevant verses and traditions of the Prophet required women not to move out their house except in an emergency and even then to have their faces covered. El-Solh and Mabro (1994) expresses that the jurist has placed such restriction to women in the context of their situation which paints a clear picture of how rights given by the Q uran are taken away by the jurists in view of their situation and yet these sharia rules are enforced even when the context has changed. Furthermore, Afkhami (1994) and Kurzman (1998) points out the many sharia formulations are based on the human factor as well as such traditions and therefore many rules reflect cultural prejudice of the Persians and the Arabs rather than the just and liberal outlook from the greatness of the Quran. Therefore, based on the information provided above, it’s appropriate to contend and support that despite discovering that certain hadiths and the formulation of the sharia has been the reasons of taking rights away from women due to their own interpretation based on human factors and traditions Women’s rights in Islam is rather still seen to be much more liberated according to the Quran yet subjugated under Sharia Law since the enhancement of Islam. In the Muslim society or in fact the world, there are probably half a billion women who live in vastly different societies, lands, climates, cultures, economies and polities, Karaman (2010). Afkhami (1995) further suggests that contemporary Islamists regimes are most coherently recognized, and differentiated from other regimes by the positions that they allocate to women within the society as well as in the family. However Engineer (1992) and El Solh, Mabro (1994) points out information regarding Muslim fundamentalisms giving women negotiable solutions for domestic issues except rights for women and their position in society. Adding on, the Islam resurgence epitomized by movements as varied as the Islamic Republic in Iran, Jama’at-i Islami in Pakistan and Ikhwan al-Muslimin in Egypt , just a few to name, maintain to single out women’s relation to society according to the Islamic order. Bajeva (1995) and Papas (2009), supports this position by giving examples of differen t Muslim women in different countries that portray the religious fiat being often manifested alongside as discursive text and naked violence that depends on its legality on traditions that adopts based assumptions and capitalizes social structure and customs with an ethic code of womanhood suitable to Islam. These include men gaining control to an extent that include the power of life and crucial death to women within these Muslim societies. For example, men carry out honour killing (stoning, beating with chains til death, acid attacks) against women within their own family, due to disobedience, dishonour or suspected sexual transgression which were practiced in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and India just to name a few. Papas (2009) however suggest that women in Turkey are known to be more liberated in the Muslim world through secularisation as the notion of Islamic reformation did not work. It is for this reason; it is most unfortunate that i n the so called Islamic states, women are seen only in their medieval image, not in the revolutionary Islamic image portrayed in the Quran. They are placed in purdah and relegated to a secondary role within the four walls of the house. Islamic jurists in these countries give more importance to certain doubtful traditions than to the clear statements of the Quran to see women in their own image Kurzman (1998), Engineer (1992) and Anwar, Abdullah (2000). El-Sohl and Mabro (1994) discuss approaches that have begun to surface in a number of Muslim countries that aim to set the issue of gender relations and the concomitant rights of women within the realm of human rights by combining social and political levels which affects women’s status in society. Yet however, the concept of human rights as laid down in the 1948 Universal declaration Of Human Rights is not easy to reconcile with interpretations of the Sharia which emphasises the hierarchical aspects of the Islamic social order , in which the free males Muslim possesses the most rights. Furthermore, given such rulings by male interpreters’ intent on maintaining the patriarchal system with women in a subordinate role, modernist Muslim feminists and human rights activists are arguing that this is not the real voice of Islam. Thus, despite discovering the use of sharia law that Muslim women are living under in certain strict Muslim societies – it is because of this, women are being oppressed and subjugated in these countries. Therefore it is important to understand and differentiate what the Quran says and the approach of the Sharia law however it is appropriate to support and contend that Women’s rights in Islam is rather still seen to be much more liberated according to the Quran yet subjugated under Sharia Law since the enhancement of Islam. Conclusion In summary, the Quran has emphasized many rights given to Muslim women, yet due to Islamic jurists who have formulated the Sharia Law is the cause that has led alot of women to be mistreated, oppressed and subjugated due to cultural and traditional factors that formulate such law. Yes they have gone through phases of allowing some freedoms, yet, they have not been successful for the reason that modernisation is strictly forbidden according to Islamic teachings. This report has examined the role of women and their status according to the Quran and Prophetic traditions, it has also discussed misconceptions based on women’s rights in Islam and distinguished the differences of what the Quran states on the rights of women and what the Sharia Law says about the rights of women, and, it has explored various Muslim societies or countries with women who live under the Sharia Law. Nevertheless, this paper has discussed and considered information for an understanding that appropriately supports and contends as well as responds to the issue based on Women’s rights in Islam. References Abdul-Ghafur S, 2005, Living Islam Out Loud – American Muslim Women Speak, Boston: Wilsted and Taylor Publishing Services Afkhami M, 1995, Faith and Freedom – Women’s Human Rights in the Muslim World, New York: Syracuse University Press Anwar Z, Abdullah R, (2000), Islam, Reproductive Health and Women’s Rights, Kuala Lampur: Sisters in Islam (SIS FORUM MALAYSIA) Bajeva R.M, 1985, Women in Islam, New York: Advent Books, Inc. Beyer L, 2001, The Women of Islam, [online], viewed from 4th -6th of April 2014,8599,185647,00.html> El-Solh C.F, Mabro J, 1994, Muslim Women’s Choices – Religious Belief and Social Reality, Oxford: Berg Publishers. Engineer A. A, 1992, The Rights of Women in Islam, London: C. Hurst Co Ltd. Falah G, Nagel C, 2005, Geographies of Muslim Women – Gender, Religion and Space, New York: The Guilford Press. Karaman H, 2010, Revelations in the source of Rights and Responsibilities, [online] viewed on 28th April 2014> Kurzman C, 1998, Liberal Islam – A sourcebook, New York: Oxford University Press. Middle East Quarterly, 1997, The Rights of Muslim Women, [online] viewed from 7th -9th May 2014> Muslim Women’s League, 2003, Women in Islam – Muslim Women, [online] 24th -25th April 2014> Papas V, 2009, Islam and Women’s Rights, [online] viewed from 26th – 28th of April 2014> Sonbol A.E, 2005, Beyond the Exotic – Women’s Histories in Islamic Societies, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

War Poetry :: essays research papers

War has occurred in several occasions throughout history. We've had several important wars in the twentieth century, World War I and World War II, and Vietnam. Each and every war has had an effect on those who lived through it, and those who fought in it. Poets write about what effects, and inspires them. If they were soldiers in war they often times have a strong opinion of war. This comes out in their poetry. Seigfried Sassoon, and Rupert Brooke were English poets who both served in World War I. Sassoon, a true survivor of trench warfare, wrote, 'Everyone Sang'; protecting war. While Brooke, who did not see the trenches, wrote, 'The Soldier';, and a patriotic war-supporting poem. Each man wrote a splendid war poem, but each from different spectrums of war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  'Everyone Sang'; is a two stanza, five-line poem that says so much about the imprisonment of war. The poem was written right after Sassoon's release from the British army. He is so overjoyed to be released that he compares it too, '…prisoned birds must find in freedom Winging wildly across the white Orchards…'; Like many other poets, he is terrified by war and was 'filled with such delight'; to be out. Sassoon witnessed the brutality on war, which hardened him to the idea of patriotism. 'Everyone Sang'; is a rejoice of freedom until the final two lines. '…O, but everyone Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.'; Sassoon is reflecting on the realities of war. He implies that even though he is 'free'; and will always be rejoicing, he will never be free from the thoughts and memories of war. Let alone the wars to come, and the new soldiers to follow in his path.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rupert Brooke also wrote about war but in a much different light. Brooke did serve in the Navy during World War I but before he made it to the lines he died of blood poisoning. This is obvious when understanding his poems. He has a very positive outlook on war. He has a very strong patriotic love of England. Brooke's wrote, 'The Soldier';, a traditional sonnet. He praises the wonderful land of England. 'Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's breathing English air….'; He is loyal to his country for it has been good to him, and he will honor his country by dying for it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

According to Kotler et al. (2010) believes the concept of positioning in marketing is identify customer needs, establish processes, innovate and implement products. When a company knows or determine their target market segments, they have to understand what are their positions, where are they now? Where they want them to be in those segments. Also, the product's position are very important to other competitive products because in the market there are so many choices which consumers can make a buying decision. However, once the product can occupies and leaves a good impression in the customer's mind immediately they are going to choose those products by the next time. Therefore, to create a unique value and position with customers are significant especially in hotel brand's management as well as other product's brand, they must have a clear concept and purpose to use their employees reaching company's goal. For hotel Golden Arch to make itself novel so they were trying to make something unique and differentiate itself from other hotels because they think it is going to work well and can attract more guests come to the hotel, they were using a concept by replacing â€Å"the traditional hotel industry applied job specialization and hierarchy system† Michel (2005, p.4). For examples, the guest can check-in and out of the hotel at the airport, use the foldable-wall technology for meeting room, comfortable bed, especially make the shower projected into the bedroom and the McDonald's restaurant located exactly next to the hotel which means that customers have one more option for their meal but other competitors they do not. From McDonald and Dunbar (2004, p.34) suggest that â€Å" market segmentation being the process of splitting custom... seems like not so many people stay in the hotel, it was very quiet, unpleasant behaviour, no activity and they thought that the hotel would be one to two stars, they didn't expect it would be a four star hotel. Due to these reasons the company didn't success because the Golden Arches is a four star hotel, they are depending on the luxury type like other four and five star hotel. Although they were using their product's brand expand into hotel industry even for the design concept is like using everywhere with the existing logo of McDonald for example, like in the picture shown that on the head of the bed was painting with a shaped of yellow arches, from what they saw immediately they will think about McDonald's brand. Furthermore, because it is a four star hotel and next to the hotel is a fast food restaurant which cannot match with the concept of four star hotel.

Don’t Run With The Clock, Walk With The Sun :: Indians Native Americans Trading Essays

Don’t Run With The Clock, Walk With The Sun In the cross-cultural relationship between Navajos and Indian traders, trading incorporated separate economic philosophies. Navajo communal â€Å"share all goods† values clashed with the capitalistic economic philosophy of the traders. These differences did not sway the necessity for survival. Instead, it provided the genuine opportunity for Navajos and Indian traders to share conditions and familiarity of the area in which they lived in. Navajos distrusted the economic aspect of the trading system. The economic dissimilarity of both cultures did not become resolved, because of the ideology. The Navajos’ and Indian traders’ essential need to cope with the day-to-day interactions increasingly overshadowed such discrepancies and enabled Navajos and Indian traders to survive under the same Southwestern skies. 1998 oral histories reveal diverse economic philosophies and engage the voices of Navajos and Indian traders. The trading post provided the necessary space for the exchange of goods to pass daily. Carolyn Blair, who married a trader, Bradley Blair and worked side by side with her husband, recalls the interior of the trading post at Red Mesa. She described it as â€Å"a typical old-time trading post with the high counters, and things hanging from the roof, like saddles or, you know, the reins for the bridles and what not, pots and pans.† [i] Fran McNitt also described the interior with the high counter design, which gave the look of a, â€Å"bull-pen [used as] a place to stand, lean, squat or sit while in the process of trade, sociability, or reflection. On three sides were wooden counters eight inches to one foot higher and wider than store counters elsewhere; they were designed as barriers between customer and trader.† [ii] The â€Å"bull-pen† arena created a cultural barrier between Navajos and trader. This spatial arrangement of the trading post contributed to the e conomic â€Å"distrust† Navajos held toward Indian traders. By appearances, the trader’s well-stocked store gave the Navajo’s the clear impression they had amassed wealth and were not â€Å"sharing† it with the rest of the community. As merchant, pawnbroker, and arts and crafts dealer, the Indian trader linked the outside world to the Navajo reservation. Indian traders’ livelihood depended on well-stocked shelves with all the imaginable goods that were likely to sustain the community throughout the various seasons, like coffee, flour, tobacco, cloth, and wool for the Navajo community at large. An Indian trader had to win the trust of Navajos, in order for the day–to-day transactions to run smoothly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

New class proposal

It is clear that many students have not developed a love and appreciation for the written word during the time before they arrived at college. Though the classical works of Nathaniel Hawthorn and Charles Dickens and others may have deep appeal to those who have already learned to enjoy the written word, the truth of the matter is that many students these days never develop that appreciation. Therefore, I am proposing an introduction to literature class that will play to the visually-based nature of most students and encourage a love of reading: I am proposing a graphic novels introduction to literature class. With novels like Maus and V for Vendetta, students can be exposed to political ideas and strong writing in a manner that is likely to keep them turning the pages and not thinking of it as work. I think most students will expect this class to be â€Å"easy† and be surprised to discover that they actually learn something while â€Å"reading comics†.   I think an educator familiar with the twists and turns of the Marvel universe and American politics could give students a better understanding of current events, including the Patriot Act and other destructions of civil liberties, via a reading of Marvel’s new â€Å"Civil War† series. I think that this type of glass would appeal to many different people within the university structure and could be an innovative way to teach ideas ranging from equality and politics to morality and history. Please consider adding this class to the curriculum. Sincerely, Sign here

Monday, September 16, 2019

Introduction To Disaster Management Environmental Sciences Essay

Catastrophes are seen as the consequence of jeopardies on vulnerable countries. Hazards that occur in countries with low exposure do non ensue in a catastrophe. Great harm, loss, devastation and desolation to life and belongings are the consequences of Disasters. The unmeasurable harm caused by catastrophe varies with the geographical location. In the concerned countries catastrophes have the undermentioned effects: It wholly upsets the normal twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. Detrimentally carry the exigency systems Depending on the strength and badness of the catastrophe the normal demands and procedures are severely affected and deteriorated. Catastrophes are the consequence of jeopardy on vulnerable or defenceless countries. Hazards that occur in countries with low exposure do non ensue in a catastrophe.1.1.2 Types of Catastrophes:Catastrophes can be classified as: Natural catastrophe Human-Made catastrophe1 ) Natural Catastrophes:Natural catastrophes are the consequence of biological, geological, seismal, hydrologic or meteoric conditions. They are a menace to, people, constructions and economic assets Few illustrations are: Earthquake Cyclones Hurricanes Floods Landslides2 ) Human-Made Catastrophes:Human-made catastrophes are Emergency state of affairss which are the consequences of calculated human actions. They involves state of affairss in which people suffers casualties, losingss of basic services and agencies of support. Few illustrations are: Oil Spill An aeroplane clang War Civil discord Major fire1.1.3 Difference between EMERGENCY and DISASTERstate of affairss:A state of affairs in which community is CAPABLE of get bying is EMERGENCY. Emergency state of affairss are generated by a existent happening of events that require immediate attending of exigency resources. A state of affairs in which community is INCAPABLE of get bying is DISASATER. Catastrophe state of affairss are natural or human-caused events which causes terrible negative impact on community.1.2 WHAT IS A HAZARD?1.2.1 Definition:Hazard is a opportunity or possibility of being injured or harmed. OR Hazard is the possibility of puting yourself unfastened to loss or bad luck. Hazards can be classified into two Manners: Dormant Mode Active Mode1 ) Dormant Mode:The state of affairs that has the possible to be risky, but no people, or environment is presently affected by this. For illustration: An unstable hillside, has a potency for a landslide but there is nil below or on the hillside that could be affected.2 ) Active Manner:An incident in which jeopardy has really occurred, making an Emergency state of affairss or Catastrophes.Categorization of Hazards:Hazard can besides be classified as: Natural Hazard Man-made HazardNatural Hazard:Definition: These jeopardies are caused by a natural procedure. Examples of some Natural jeopardies are: 1 ) Volcanic Volcanic eruptions: Ashs and different toxic gases are expelled through vents from deep inside the Earth 2 ) Droughts: A portion of a land suffers from deficiency of rain during specific period of clip which causes terrible harm to the harvests, dirt, animate beings and people besides. 3 ) Tsunami: Very big moving ridges which caused by an Earthquake, Volcanic eruptions knocks into a shore.1.2.4 Man-made Hazard:Definition: These jeopardies are created by worlds. Examples of some Man-made jeopardies are: Global Heating: Projected additions in the Earth ‘s ambiance ‘s mean temperature. In the twentieth century the Earth ‘s mean temperature rose about 0.6 degree Celsius. Crime: It is a sort of Sociological jeopardy. Crime is a breach of Torahs and regulations. For illustration Breach of contract. Industrial Hazard: It is a sort of Technological jeopardy. Industrial jeopardies frequently have an environmental impact. For illustration Bhopal Disaster ( worst industrial catastrophe to day of the month ) .1.3 VULNERABILITY, CAPACITY AND RISK:1.3.1 Vulnerability:Definition: Susceptibility of a individual, group or society to physical or emotional hurt. OR Person or group apt to injury. Equally far as Hazards and Catastrophes are concern, the construct of Vulnerability is to associate the relationship that people have with their environment to societal forces and establishments and the cultural values that sustain them.1.3.2 Capacity:Definition: Within a community all the available resources, that can cut down hazard degree and catastrophe effects. Frequent term used in Disaster is ‘Capacity constructing ‘ . Capacity edifice is the attempts to develop human accomplishments within a community to cut down hazard degrees.1.3.3 Hazard:Definition: Occurrence chance of a jeopardy that trigger a catastrophe with an unwanted result. Hazard involves an exposure to a opportunity hurt or loss. Risk by and large described in footings of chance. Hazard can besides be defined as the chance of a loss, hazard depends on three elements: Hazard Vulnerability Exposure1.4 DISASTER MANAGEMENT CYCLE:1.4.1 What is Disaster Management?Main thought: To forestall catastrophes wherever possible or to extenuate or decrease those catastrophes which are inevitable. Through Public consciousness and Hazard direction catastrophes could be prevented or mitigated.1.4.2 What is Disaster Management rhythm?Definition: Disaster Management Cycle is a rhythm which has stages to cut down or forestall catastrophes. It is a cyclic procedure it means the terminal of one stage is the beginning of another stage, although following stage can be started before the completion of old stage. Some times several stages are taking topographic point at the same time. During each stage, timely determination devising can consequences in greater readiness, better warnings, and forestall farther catastrophes. The complete Disaster Management rhythm includes the defining of public policies and programs that addresses the causes of catastrophes and decreasing their effects on people, belongings and substructure.1.5 PHASES OF DISASTER MANAGEMENTCycle:Disaster Management Cycle has four stages: Phase 1- Mitigation Phase 2 – Readiness Phase 3 – Response Phase 4 – Recovery1.5.1 Phase 1 – Extenuation: Goal:The Goal of Mitigation activities is to acquire rid of or cut down the catastrophe happening chance, or to extenuate the effects of ineluctable catastrophes.Definition:Extenuation refers to all actions taken before a catastrophe to minimise its impacts. Examples: Public instruction Building codifications and districtingExtenuation includes:Reviewing edifice codifications Zoning and land-use direction Implementing preventive wellness stepsThere are two types of Mitigation activities:Structural Extenuation: It refers to building undertakings to cut down economic and societal impacts. Non-structural extenuation: They are the policies which raise consciousness of jeopardies. Non-structural extenuation activities besides encourage developments to decrease catastrophe impact. Through Mitigation we can educate concerns and populace in order to cut down loss or hurt.At place Mitigation activities:In your place Strengthening vulnerable countries such as roof tops, exterior doors and Windowss. In your place construct a safe room.1.5.2 Phase 2 – Readiness: Goal:The end of Preparedness activities is: for any exigency state of affairs, achieve a satisfactory degree of preparedness through plans that support the proficient capacity of authorities. Definition:Readiness activities are the Plans/preparations made to salvage lives or belongings. Preparedness includes:Implementation/operation Systems of early warning. Readiness programs Emergency exercisings Emergency communicating systems Public instruction Through early warning systems people will respond suitably when any early warning is issued. Preparedness actions depend upon the incorporation of suited steps for development programs at national and regional degree. To salvage lives and minimise catastrophe harm, persons, authorities and organisation develop programs and this all is done in Preparedness stage. Disaster Preparedness and DisasterExtenuation:Catastrophe extenuation and Disaster Preparedness go manus in manus. To guarantee that bing substructure can defy the forces of catastrophe, catastrophe readiness includes execution of extenuation steps.1.5.3 Phase 3 – Response: Goal:The end of Response is to give instant aid to keep life, better wellness and keep up the morale of affected population. Disaster Response includes:Helping refugees with conveyance. Give impermanent shelter and nutrient. Establish semi lasting colony in cantonments. Repairing harm substructure. The basic demands of people are more focussed in Response stage until lasting solutions can be found.1.5.4 Phase 4 – Recovery: Goal:To assist people reconstructing their lives and substructure every bit shortly as possible. Types of Recovery Activities:Recovery activities can be: Short term recovery activities Long term recovery activities Until all system return to normal or better, recovery activities continues. Recovery activities in catastrophes include:Constructing Temporary lodging. Public information. Educating public about Health and safety instruction. Hiding plans for people. Reconstruction Economic impact surveies From recovery to long-run sustainable development there should be smooth passage.DISASTER MANAGEMENT CYCLE ANDEMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:1.6.1 Ems:EMS is the acronym for Emergency Management System. EMS can ease the effectual direction of Disasters. Information Technology can better the system of Disaster Management and back up all the stages of the DMC ( Disaster Management Cycle )1.6.2 PHASE I: Extenuation and Prevention:To cut down the impact of catastrophes, effectual Disaster Management plays a cardinal function. Disaster Management uses different effectual technological tools to assist the procedure of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. For illustration:Tracking system:the lading of Hazard Management ( HAZMAT ) can be track by progress Vehicle-mounted hardware and when shipment transporting Hazardous stuffs deviates from its path centres of Disaster Management issues presentment to direction centres.Inventory systems:For any exigency state of affairss Inventory Systems ensures that the suffient supplies are available. It monitors the stock list degrees of of import equipment and supplies and keep the record of of import supplies on regular footing in signifier of Databases.Detection:For observing and supervising the risky lading, Roadside Detectors are used. These Roadside sensors besides confirm that lading is non diverting for its path. 1.6.3 PHASE II: Readiness: Preparedness trades with the development of programs before any exigency or black state of affairss. Emergency direction system helps Phase II of DMC via technological services like:Telemedicine:It is a connexion between ambulances which are reacting and exigency medical installations available really near. By utilizing telemedicine physicians can give advices to medical forces for the intervention of those patients who are on the manner to infirmary.Advanced ACN:Advanced ACN is the acronym for Advanced automated hit presentment. They inform exigency forces through vehicle mounted detectors and wireless communicating about incidents like hits or clangs. They besides tell the incident ‘s exact location and features. 1.6.4 PHASE III and IV: Response and Recovery: To supply immediate aid or aid to the population affected by catastrophes is the Goal of Response Phase. While the Goal of Recovery Phase is the Restoration of people ‘s unrecorded every bit shortly as possible after the catastrophe or any exigency state of affairs. Emergency direction System with the aid of Technology can assist the Response and Recovery phases through different systems and package like:Scheduling and Coordination package:In order to do the response procedure organized, structured and efficient complicated scheduling system can supervise and organize many response activities.Early on Warning System:In transit substructure a huge assortment of detectors are used which provide an early warning systems. This early warning system used to observe large-scale catastrophes and exigencies and besides semisynthetic catastrophe or technological catastrophe. Large-scale catastrophes include temblors, tsunamis etc and man-made or t echnological catastrophes include HAZMAT incidents, act of terrorist act, atomic power works accidents.Response direction:Emergency vehicle fleets can be track by Response direction by utilizing the engineering of Automated vehicle location ( AVL ) and bipartisan communicating between starters and exigency vehicles.Chapter No:2TYPES OF Catastrophe:2.1 Introduction:Harmonizing to [ 11 ] CRED ( Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster ) , Belgium, defines Disaster as: â€Å" A catastrophe is a state of affairs or event which overwhelms local capacity, asking a petition to a national or international degree for external aid † OR Catastrophe is besides defined as ‘Great harm, loss or devastation consequences from a sudden ruinous event ‘ . Many [ 11 ] different types of events like conditions or Earth ‘s geology are represented by Disasters. There exist a close association between a catastrophe and utmost conditions events like cyclones, inundations, twisters etc. The database of catastrophe events are maintained by CRED. It maintained the catastrophe events from 1900 to show.Possible causes of increase in catastrophes:There [ 11 ] are many causes for addition in catastrophes but some common causes are as under: Environmental alterations related to economic development may impact the potency for catastrophes. Change of Global clime from the build-up of nursery gases may take to a greater frequence of utmost conditions events ( heat moving ridges ) in the hereafter, every bit good as sea degree rise. Several bing coastlines may be threatened in this event. Industrialization without controls may increase the hazard for technological catastrophes. Consumption of fossil fuels with industrialisation.2.1.1 What are the Types of Disasters?Catastrophes can [ 1 ] be loosely classified harmonizing to their: Causes – Natural or Man-made catastrophe Speed of onset – Sudden or Decelerate Earthquakes, Cyclones, Tsunamis are the illustrations of Natural catastrophes. The two most common illustrations of Man-made catastrophes are ‘The Bhopal gas release ‘ and the ‘Chernobyl atomic accident ‘ . Forest fires ( initiated by adult male ) may be another illustration. There can be a sudden oncoming or slow oncoming of catastrophe. Sudden or Quick oncoming of catastrophe agencies they can happen all of a sudden in clip and slow oncoming of catastrophe agencies they may develop over a period of clip or bit by bit.2.2 NATURAL DISASTES:2.2.1 Definition:Natural [ 1 ] catastrophe occurs of course in propinquity to, and present a menace to people, constructions or economic asserts. They are caused by biological, geological conditions or procedures in the natural environment for illustration cyclones, temblors, tsunamis, inundations etc. Few illustrations of Natural catastrophes are: Earthquake Tsunami Flood Cyclone Now I will discourse above Natural catastrophes.2.2.2 Earthquake:Earthquake is the quiver of Earth ‘s surface due to belowground motions. Earthquakes besides called as shudder or earthquake. Sudden release of energy in the Earth ‘s crust leads to a natural catastrophe called Earthquake. This sudden release of energy moving ridges are called as seismal moving ridges. Epicenter of temblor is called as the beginning point of these seismal moving ridges. Among the most unpredictable natural catastrophes people can see, Earthquake is the 1. During temblors 10s of 1000s of people are put in danger.Some International Statistics of Earthquake:More than half a million deceases worldwide caused by Earthquake between 1999 and 2009. Each twelvemonth more than one million Earthquakes occur worldwide.Measurement of Earthquake:To mensurate the size of an Earthquake there are many ways. Some of these ways depend upon the damaged sum caused by the Earthquake and some depend upon seismal energy generated by the temblor. To mensurate temblor there are two graduated tables which are really popular: Seismograph Richter graduated tableSeismograph:Seismic moving ridges are generated by Earthquakes these moving ridges can be detected by a sensitive instrument called Seismograph. Nowadays Digital seismographs are high-technology seismographs which can enter land agitating over seismal amplitude and screens wide set of frequences that is why they are besides called as Broadband Seismograph.The survey of Seismograph is called as ‘Seismology ‘ .Richter graduated table:Earthquake ‘s strength and magnitude can be represented by Richter graduated table. If the strength of temblor is 3 on a Richter graduated table so that temblor is non harmful. Highly harmful temblor has the reading of 7 or above on the Richter graduated table. Presents modified versions of Richter graduated tables are used for temblor measuring throughout the universe. Richter graduated table is besides called as Richter magnitude graduated table because it measures the magnitude of temblor.2.2.3 Tsunami:Ocean [ 1 ] moving ridge generated by undersea temblor, powerful volcanic eruption or submerged landslide is called Tsunami. Tsunami [ 12 ] frequently generated by temblor in a subduction zone ( an country where an pelagic home base is being forced down into the mantle by home base tectonic forces ) . Tsunami besides called as seismal sea moving ridge. Sudden Large supplanting of H2O causes Tsunami. Tsunami travels at a great velocity across the unfastened ocean and builds into big deathly moving ridges in a shallow H2O of a shoreline. Tsunamis consist of multiple moving ridges with an highly low period and wavelength. The [ 1 ] largest temblor event recorded in Samoa was on 26 June 1917, mensurating 8.3 on the Richter graduated table. The event originated in Tonga ( about 200km South of Apia ) and it triggered a tsunami of 4 to 8 meters runups in Satupaitea, Savaii. The tsunami arrived less than 10 ( 10 ) proceedingss from its point of beginning, intending it travelled at a velocity of more than 1,000km/hr. Hence, when an temblor occurs, you must listen to the tsunami warning, for illustration, people populating in low-lying coastal countries must relocate to higher and safer evidences instantly.Tsunami velocity:Tsunami in a Pacific ocean can go at velocities up to 450mph ( half of the velocity of sound ) . The tallness of Tsunami moving ridges are about 30 to 100 feets.Damage caused by Tsunami:Significant [ 13 ] sum of harm can be caused by Tsunamis. Entire coastal small towns can be destroyed by a individual Tsunami. It can take all the sand from the beach sand which took hundred of old ages to roll up.Safety:The attack [ 13 ] of Tsunami can be determined by many technological methods but nature has its ain methods of warning people. If in a certain country the coastal H2O is abnormally high or low, so this is the warning for Tsunami.2.2.4 Floods:Flood occurs when [ 1 ] big sum of H2O flow from river or from broken pipe onto a antecedently dry country. The beginning of inundation can be really [ 11 ] quick or they may develop over a period of yearss or hebdomads following an drawn-out period of rain or speedy thaw of snow. Flash inundation have sudden oncoming. Drowning is the chief jeopardy from deluging. This is most common in brassy inundation. The common hazard factor for brassy inundation victims is driving in an car, many victims of brassy inundation drown within their vehicle.Health concern from implosion therapy:A longer [ 11 ] term wellness concern from implosion therapy is the development of disease from afloat sanitation Stationss. Large inundations pose a jeopardy to bing sanitation and imbibing H2O systems.Importance of Implosion therapy:For [ 1 ] local e cosystem, implosion therapy can be environmentally of import. For illustration some river inundations bring foods to dirty such as in Egypt where the one-year implosion therapy of the Nile River carries foods to otherwise dry land. Flood besides affect economic system.How to extenuate impact of inundation:pre-event [ 11 ] steps: early warning for brassy inundation events public instruction on inundation jeopardies like car drive post-event steps: keeping proper sanitation system proper control of population2.2.5 Cyclones:Chapter no 3THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT:Introduction:The Advanced Information Technology plays a great function in planning and execution of different steps for the decrease of jeopardies. The advanced information engineering includes: Gilbert Remote Feeling Satellite Communication Internet The quality and analysis power of natural jeopardies can be update by Geographic Information System ( GIS ) . In the choice of extenuation steps GIS can direct development activities. The designation of risky countries and before clip warning for many future catastrophes can be done by Remote Feeling Communication orbiters contribute a batch to supply communicating in exigency state of affairss and timely alleviation steps. For jeopardy decrease the add-on of infinite engineering inputs into monitoring of natural catastrophes and mechanisms of extenuation is really of import3.2 WHAT IS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:The direction of exigencies refering all jeopardies, including all activities and hazard direction steps related to bar and extenuation, readiness, response and recovery. Emergency direction can reconstruct and reconstruct society back to functional degree in no clip after a catastrophe. The basic intent of exigency direction is to: 1 ) Save as many lives as possible 2 ) To protect and continue the environment 3 ) To protect the economic system3.2.1 Emergency Management System:Definition: It is a technological tool used to better and heighten the Emergency Disaster Management. Emergency direction system can assist Disaster Management in several countries, such as:Materials:To guarantee that the warehouse is stock with all the points needed for national endurance in any catastrophe, before any abroad aid reaching.Work force:In first assistance and shelter direction train forces.Emptying Plans:Testing of General catastrophe and Evacuation program.Communication:To set up dependable Communication system.Transportation system:To set up effectual Transportation plans for illustration transit through air which facilitates the ‘food bringing supplies ‘ procedure to the victims of affected countries which are cut-off from any vehicular traffic. Examples of Emergency Management System at work:Management of Hazardous Materials ( HAZMAT ) :By agencies of Air, Sea and Land, EMS provides unafraid transit of unsafe and risky stuffs. EMS uses particular devices for tracking the cargo of HAZMAT.Emergency medical services:EMS notifies the exigency forces with of import and valuable information on exigency incidents. For illustration EMS is equipped with machine-controlled hit presentment system to observe vehicle hit.Recovery and Response:EMS has efficient Detectors which can observe natural catastrophes and warn population before manus.IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT, APPLICATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Through Information Technology the agony of the catastrophe victims can be minimized. There are several tools of Information Technology which are utile in the direction of any catastrophe. In this Report I am concentrating the undermentioned Information Technology tools used in Disaster Management: Geographic Information System ( GIS ) Remote Feeling Global Positioning System ( GPS )3.3.1 GIS in Disaster Management: Introduction:GIS is the acronym for ‘Geographic Information System ‘ . For Disaster Management GIS can work in many ways, such as: They are the sort of information system which are good capable of hive awaying, incorporating, analysing, redacting, sharing, and exposing the information which is geographically-referenced. GIS can make the synergistic questions, edit informations and different maps and can easy show the concluding consequences of all these operations. The quality and power of analysis of appraisals of natural jeopardies can be improved by GIS. In the choice of extenuation steps, exigency readiness and response action, GIS besides guide and help different development activities.Applications of GIS:For the undermentioned activities GIS applications are really utile.Creation of hazard stock list map:At all the territory and inter-municipal degrees, the developmental undertaking ‘s pre-feasibility survey can be really expeditiously done by GIS.To locate of import installations:Through GIS we can take information on physical locations of drains, shelters and other physical installations.Management and Creation of associated Database:Planners can do undertakings at feasibleness degree. These undertakings can used to do hazard maps for bing metropoliss, catastrophe readiness planning and alleviation activities after catastrophe.Vulnerability appraisal:To spread out Disaster Management organisations by making consciousness of catast rophe with authorities and populace is done by advanced and synergistic engineering tool GIS.Emergency shelters and the usage of GIS:Shelter [ 1 ] operators use GIS engineering to take the personal inside informations of individuals being housed at the shelters. GIS engineering would besides give information to the shelter operators on the general make-up of the shelter like that how many kids, grownups, disable or any particular resident are in the shelter or demand shelter.Relief Distribution and the usage of GIS:GIS generate maps of the affected countries where clump of victims are located so with the aid of these maps ‘food beads ‘ procedures will take topographic point. These maps will besides place the alone demands of individuals within these Bunches.Vulnerable countries:The countries which are prone to catastrophes are highlighted by GIS. This will assist the catastrophe directors to make be aftering before the happening of catastrophe and it besides facilitates the coordination of attempts during and after the event.GIS Advantages:There are more advantages of GIS than challenges. Some GIS advantages are as under: It can [ 1 ] represent spacial information over a broad geographic country. To take more elaborate position of contents GIS uses 3D artworks. Integration of different information of geo-spatial can be facilitated by GIS. Information of geo-spatial includes maps, theoretical accounts and other signifiers of artworks. GIS distributes updated informaton. It besides expeditiously analyzes, collects and manage that information. For persons who wants to utilize GIS merely small tranning is required. This characteristic of GIS makes it various and easy to utilize. Challenges of utilizing GIS in Disaster Management:GIS [ 1 ] can sometimes uncover personal and people-specific information which can significantly impact people ‘s life. Form GIS information sometimes critical and difficult determinations have to be taken in the best involvement of affected people. To acquire the end product which is meaningful and utile from the system, big sums of inputs are required. GIS delayed the determination doing procedure during exigency because it require immense sum of information and huge sum of clip to analyse that information.Disaster Management Cycle and GIS:Planning:To [ 1 ] recognize the demand for be aftering which is based on the present hazard is the most of import phase of DM. For frontward be aftering GIS plays a cardinal function. GIS provides a construction for catastrophe directors to see spacial informations by computing machine based maps.Extenuation:For structural and non-structural extenuation, GIS can play really of import function. Areas which are at hazard are spatially represented by GIS. GIS besides identifies the hazard degree associated with peculiar jeopardy. Catastrophe directors use GIS to find the degree of alleviative constructions that should be in topographic point given the exposure of an country or population.Readiness:GIS can play a critical function in the designation of resources and countries which are at hazard. The nexus between spouses and critical bureaus is established by GIS and the usage of GIS in the constitution of that nexus will assist catastrophe directors to cognize the location of Stationss of relevant spouse bureaus. In the context of Disaster Management, maps of GIS can supply information on the human resources nowadays in an Emergency Operation Centre every bit good as on the land forces such as security, wellness suppliers and other cardinal respondents. This is peculiarly utile since the engineering can assist with strategic arrangement of exigency forces where it matters most. Through GIS we can do certain that communicating webs and route substructure are capable of managing the effects of catastrophesResponse:By utilizing GIS, users can take accurate and dependable information of the location of an exigency state of affairs from GIS and in this manner GIS can salvage tonss of clip needed to find the location of problem countries. Once the issues ( issues like paths to the country ) are known GIS can supply speedy response to affected countries. To indicate out emptying paths and other emptying affairs in exigencies, GIS can be used as a floor usher.Recovery:GIS can supply a outline of what has been damaged, where, and the figure of individuals or establishments that were affected. To the recovery procedure this sort of information is rather utile.Distant Sensing in DisasterManagement: Introduction:In Remote Sensing [ 1 ] a recording device ( which is non in physical contact with the object ) is used to acquire the information about an object or phenomenon, that entering device utilizations EMW ( Electronic Magnetic Waves ) radiations. The Goal of EMW or Electromagnetic Waves is the transit of information and energy from one topographic point to another. Cellular webs, Microwave ovens and x-ray machines used EMW. Distant Sensing include semisynthetic detectors, these detectors are attached to orbiters and aircrafts. Alternatively of sing a far off planet from Earth, the feeling equipment is normally high above looking down at our ‘distant ‘ planet – Earth. Distant in this context can intend merely a few hundred pess operating expense or stat mis above the Earth ‘s surface3.3.2.2 Applications of Remote Sensing:Remote Sensing is one of the developed and successful tool in Disaster Management. Some applications of Remote Sensing are as under: By utilizing Remote Feeling the jeopardy and hazard mold of many catastrophes like Tsunamis, hurricanes, temblors and disease pandemics can be done. We can utilize Remote Sensing based early warning systems for many natural catastrophes like Floods, Tsunamis, Earthquakes etc. After catastrophe, harm appraisal can be done by Satellites and airborne detectors. Remote Sensing Advantages:The Advantages of Remote Sensing are as under: The users of Remote Sensing do non hold to be in direct contact with the danger zones. This engineering saves tonss of clip. Remote Sensing engineering can gives the clear image of really big country of land. It can easy observe characteristics at wavelengths which are even non seeable to bare oculus. For frontward planning and Reconstruction of any affected country, Remote Sensing plays an of import function by giving clear and big image of those countries. By utilizing Remote Feeling the reappearance of the same event in the hereafter can be prevented. It can assist in harm appraisal monitoring. We can routinely and on a regular basis obtain and enter information.Categorization of Remote Sensing:There are [ 1 ] three parts of Wavelength in Remote Sensing: Brooding infrared and Visible Remote Sensing Thermal infrared Remote Feeling Microwave Remote Feeling Brief description of the above wavelength categorization for Remote Sensing is given below:Brooding infrared and Visible Remote Detection:Everyday visible radiation and infrared optical masers are the most common applications of the reflective infrared and seeable Remote Feeling with wavelength scope of 0.4 to 0.8 microns. For the comparing of before and after events of catastrophe we can utilize seeable Remote Sensing.Thermal infrared Remote Sensing:We can image temperature differences by utilizing infrared detectors. Temperature differences like thermic pollution in rivers or temperature differences near any vent can easy represented by utilizing infrared detectors. Infrared detectors developed a fact that all objects emits Electromagnetic Radiation, these Electromagnetic Radiation are called as ‘blackbody radiation ‘ . These black body radiation has a peculiar wavelength which is relative to the temperature of the surface of an object. We can besides see the peculiar portion of electromagnetic spectrum ( EM spectrum are the series of electromagnetic moving ridges with peculiar wavelength ) by utilizing infrared detectors.Microwave Remote Sensing:The other type of Remote Sensing is the ‘Microwave Remote Sensing ‘ . As the name implies, it uses microwaves for Remote Sensing and these moving ridges are non merely less affected by atmospheric conditions but besides they can image beneath or through objects. There are two board classs of Remote Sensing: Passive Remote Sensing Active Remote Sensing Descriptions of these two classs are as under:Passive Remote Detection:This sort of Remote Sensing uses detectors. These detectors detect the reflected or emitted Electromagnetic Radiations from natural beginnings for illustration Sunlight.Active Remote Detection:The detectors used in Active Remote Sensing detect reflected responses from objects that are irradiated from unnaturally generated energy beginnings for illustration Radars or sonar devices used by ships and imaging systems.Challenges of utilizing Remote Detection:Challenges for utilizing Remote Feeling are as under: To construct and run Remote Sensing system is non cost effectual. Activities which are little sized are hard to sketch on Remote Sensing imagination. Expert accomplishments may necessitate to construe the informations obtained from Remote Sensing. Resolution is frequently harsh. Particular Detectors with really high spacial declaration are required for parts which are little size.Disaster Management and Remote Sensing:Professionals [ 2 ] for Disaster Management can utilize Distant Feeling to do the effectual undertaking be aftering really much possible and more accurate now so of all time earlier. The purpose of experts in Disaster Management is to supervise the state of affairs, imitate the complicated natural phenomenon every bit accurately as possible so as to propose better eventuality programs and fix spacial databases. Proper Disaster Management which includes catastrophe bars, catastrophe readiness and speedy and sufficient catastrophe alleviation can sufficiently cut down the impact of natural catastrophes. States which have more beforehand warning systems and edifice codifications can make successful remote detection of the Earth to foretell the happening of black phenomena and to warn people on clip. With the addition of natural catastrophes and semisynthetic catastrophes it is necessary to utilize technological progresss to decrease the effects of catastrophes. Distant Sensing can be really utile to extenuate the effects of Natural Disasters like Earthquakes, Flooding, Hurricanes, Volcanic eruption and Landsliding.Remote Sensing and Earthquake:We can utilize Remote Sensing Technology ( RCT ) for seismal hazard extenuation intent. Remote Feeling like Satellite imagination can be used for temblor readiness. On good declaration orbiter imagination, Active mistakes and Structures associated with temblors can be good identified. Structural and non-structural jeopardies can be identified and minimized by utilizing distant feeling engineering. For illustration by utilizing LandSat imagination tool we can place and minimise the effects of Structural and Non-structural jeopardies. States which are more prone to temblor usage Satellite Remote Sensing Technology ( RST ) for early seismal warning. The quality [ 1 ] of assistance that can be provided after an temblor can be well improved by utilizing Remote Sensing. After major temblor has taken topographic point the hunt and deliverance activities are best affected by distant detection. Distant detection can besides used for making deep hunts in the countries which have considerable sum of dust and collapsed constructions.Recent Development:Nowadays Airborne and Satellite RSTs can be used for garnering damaged informationRemote Sensing and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions:Around [ 2 ] the Earth there are 500 active vents and by utilizing distant feeling we can make seismal monitoring of these vents. Through distant feeling Catastrophe directors can continuously supervise the volcanic activities by making limited field work. Remote feeling besides enables vulcanologists to significantly cut down the sum of field work and saves attempts and money.Remote Sensing and Flooding:The Second most [ 2 ] common and widespread natural catastrophe is Flood. For [ 3 ] inundation monitoring remote detection has become the cardinal tool in recent old ages. Catastrophe directors can place inundation planes and countries which are prone to deluge on a remotely perceived imagination. Remotely sensed imagination generates images which help professional in mapping the high and low hazard countries and in measuring the amendss to the belongingss in inundation affected part. In flood direction remotely sensed informations can be used to calculate inundations and this will mitigates future amendss. Distant feeling allow [ 1 ] users to see what is taking topographic point in affected countries, without endangering their safety, since they will non really be on the site. By utilizing distant feeling engineering we can foreground characteristics of the geographics that make the community susceptible to the jeopardy. Using distant feeling Response workers can garner of import information for making deliverance and alleviation attempts without physically being present at the site.Remote Sensing and Hurricanes:Disaster [ 1 ] directors uses Remote feeling for hurricane prediction which will assist them to gauge the likely figure of storms for a given old ages, strength and possible degree of devastation. Remote detection is utile in any phase of the hurricane in extenuating the deathly effects of hurricanes. Remote [ 1 ] feeling can let contrivers to determine informations about the characteristics of water partings to include drainage and denseness. Once obtained, this is utile information as it provides information on the capacity of the watershed to cover with the volume of water-flow that could ensue from rains associated with the storm. Distant detection can supply good declaration spacial informations on hurricanes which can gives wealth [ 4 ] of information for appraisal, analysis and monitoring natural catastrophes like Hurricane, Tornados and Cyclone harm from little to big parts around the Earth. After the Hurricane experts can supervise the recovery advancement and find the alteration in landscape by utilizing distant detection. Remote feeling saves tonss of clip in a manner that it will let experts to analyze larger land mass in no clip. Coastal implosion therapy and storm rushs which consequences in hurricanes can be better mapped utilizing distant detection. Catastrophe directors, Emergency direction and community contrivers can be better prepare for hurricane impacts on their parts by utilizing the tools of distant detection.Remote detection and Landsliding:Landslide [ 1 ] can happen independently or with other jeopardies like temblor, deluging etc. Using distant feeling engineering in landsliding catastrophe directors are better able to prioritise and aim extenuation and readiness activities for their country. Once [ 1 ] major parts of land displacement out of topographic point, entree to and general visibleness of the affected country is normally badly restricted. Remotely perceived images under these conditions are utile tools in helping contrivers. It presents a image of what has taken topographic point, and AIDSs in the determination doing procedure sing the hereafter of the affected country. Where appraisal of an country is limited due to debris and mudflow from a landslide, remote feeling could perforate heavy countries to supply critical information. On [ 5 ] local and regional graduated tables remote feeling can greatly assist in probes of landslides. For landslide probe remote feeling can be used in two phases: landslides sensing and categorization monitoring activity of bing landslides Distant detection can assist greatly in foretelling future landslide happenings and this is of import for those who reside near unstable incline.Global Positioning System ( GPS ) in Disaster Management: Introduction:GPS [ 1 ] or Global Positioning System refer to Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS developed by Defense Department, America. Initially merely US military can utilize GPS but in 1980s it was extended for commercial and scientific universes. For navigational and positioning GPS tool is widely used. GPS include pilotage on land, in air and on sea. [ 5 ] By utilizing GPS engineering tool we can observe first phase catastrophe and suggest extenuation steps. In Landsliding Boundary of landslide country can be determine by GPS. Space section of GPS has 24 well-spaced orbiter groups ; these 24 orbiter groups orbit the Earth two clip per twenty-four hours and let people with land receiving systems to indicate out their exact location on Earth with high truth. Due to the low cost of GPS receiving system it is used globally. Receivers or devices have GPS equipment receives transmittal from at least few of the orbiters and can able to separate really precise placement informations ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In Earth [ 6 ] scientific disciplines GPS plays an of import function. For conditions prediction and planetary clime surveies meteorologists utilizations GPS. During and between temblors the tectonic gestures can be measured by GPS. Applications of GPS to Disaster Management:There is [ 5 ] no limitation of conditions for utilizing GPS, it can be used anyplace any clip and this makes GPS really utile in catastrophes. It has a dependable degree of preciseness. During exigency state of affairss GPS incorporated with GIS to cover real-time activity. In all stages of Disaster direction Cycle GPS is really utile and plays a critical function. In Emergency Disaster Management GPS plays an of import function by tracking exigency vehicles and supplies. Emergency vehicles have GPS receiving system and location is overlayed onto a map. For precise [ 7 ] placement of the deliverance squads and vehicles during catastrophe GPS Stationss can be good utilised as a base Stationss. Through [ 5 ] GPS experts can supervise the tallness of moving ridges. GPS units are fixed to buoys and the tallness of the units are can be determined to within centimeters any important alteration in moving ridge tallness or speed can trip an dismay for a tsunami or sea rush. With the aid of GPS, vents can be monitored. Catastrophe directors can mensurate the distortion of the land by utilizing GPS and made decision about volcanic activity. These GPS Stationss can be utilized as base Stationss for precise placement of deliverance squads and vehicles during the catastrophes. Advantages of GPS:The Advantages of [ 10 ] GPS are as under: Structural jobs in edifices and route can be detected by GPS. It besides predicts catastrophes like Flooding, earthquakes etc. GPS system in a auto or in a plane ensures that you will ne'er lost. It streamlines supply ironss and truck motion. it can track goods at any point of clip and predict accurately when goods will make their finish. Some [ 9 ] GPS systems allow you to seek the local country for nearby comfortss, such as hotels, eating houses and gas Stationss. This is highly helpful in some state of affairss. GPS [ 9 ] devices are perfect for H2O pilotage. In state of affairss where underwater jeopardies are a job, GPS devices allow leghorns to maneuver around concealed dangers. Disadvantages of GPS:Besides tonss of advantages GPS have some of import disadvantages besides [ 5 ] . Some of these disadvantages are preciseness is affected by the figure of discernible orbiters present, the obstructor of the observation point, and the monitoring of installed GPS receiving systems which have been placed out in the field. Obstacles like edifices and trees can debar the GPS signals and this will do your place on the GPS screen to be off by every bit much as 100 pess. Atmospheric conditions besides affect GPS truth. GPS [ 9 ] signals are non wholly accurate. Obstacles like edifices and trees can debar the signal, doing your place on the GPS screen to be off by every bit much as 100 pess. Atmospheric conditions ( such as geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity ) may besides impact GPS truth3.3.3.5 Disaster Management and GPS:For catastrophe direction and extenuation GPS is one of the most of import developmental and planning tool. Catastrophes which are in their first phase can be easy detected by utilizing GPS tools. GPS is besides an effectual tool for supervising natural catastrophes.GPS and Earthquake:The [ 6 ] size of an temblor can be measured by GPS and this is done by look intoing the entire distance that a station has moved in an temblor by comparing its place prior to the event with its place following the event. Harmonizing to scientist there is a relationship exist between sum of supplanting caused by an temblor and magnitude of temblor. Scientist use this relationship to happen out the size of an temblor by utilizing technological tools of GPS. GPS can [ 6 ] make really accurate measurings and due to this scientists can enter millimeter-scale faux pas on mistakes that can non normally be measured. GPS progress tools can be really utile in: Emergency readiness and response betterment Determining of aftershock hazard countries following major temblors Prevent devastation of edifices, belongings and substructure Provide better geophysical theoretical accounts.GPS and Flooding:For [ 7 ] natural catastrophe like Deluging GPS has the potency of making deliverance and relief operations during and after Flood. The integrating of location based spacial function system: GIS, with GPS can straight give the map of the country being covered. The Video Mapping System, a digital picture camera straight linked to a GPS receiving system can give us the complete image of the part. This will let improved image reading, which is really utile for Flood jeopardy extenuation and direction. GPS [ 8 ] engineering helps deluge field directors to: Perform hazard appraisal and jeopardy designation Take proactive steps to really cut down inundation hazards Produce GPS Elevation Certificates which help place proprietors recognize their true inundation hazard and obtain best-value inundation insurance to cut down their fiscal Vulnerability Help speed up Federal catastrophe aid support when deluging really occurs.